Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Here's how one young German dude is attracting a new type of cryptocurrency customer to his regular bricks and mortar business, one party at a time.

So I run this this little blog where I interview cryptocurrency people for shits and gigs, oh and the one time I got 5 cents from Medium. No but seriously, usually these guys are entrepreneurs hence posting in here.

Anyway, I stumbled across this dude u/evens2out over in r/Bitcoincash (excuse me if that is blasphemous here) from a post he made about how he had setup support for Bitcoin Cash (a type of cryptocurrency) and was now one of only 19 businesses in Germany to accept BCH. We got talking and he decided to do an interview.

The TLDR version of our back and forth goes along the lines of, u/evens2out runs an events business specialising in music and lighting, think lasers and DJ equipment, that kinda thing, out of Karlsruhe in Germany. He goes into quite a bit of depth about how he got started and what he does day-to-day if that is of any interest BTW.

He had some time on his hands what with governments shutting the world down due to Covid and decided he'd do a little looking into things so he setup a wallet through the Bitcoin.com-App and began offering his clients a 10% discount if they'd pay with crypto.

A potential customer came along somewhat interested, a few strongarm tactics later (JK) and the customer wound up with a new BCH wallet, a 10% discount and a couple bottles of smoke machine liquid, apparently what he really wanted.

Not exactly breaking news, I know, but I thought it was cool little story showing how small little changes in regular day-to-day business activities can add value and potentially bring a totally new channel of clients in.

Goes to show how easy it is to get folks setup using crypto for business as well.

If folks are interested here is the full interview.


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