Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Perpetuum Token we mine you win

Perpetuum coin

In the world of bitcoin and ethereum mining, the initial costs of equipment, networks, cooling the physical site where the equipment is going to be, and energy consumption, among others, make it almost unfeasible for small investors to enter the business, due to the high risks. that this investment entails.

When you invest in mining, you have to wait 10 to 12 months to receive income, while you manage to create your first blocks or wait to receive a reward according to your mining power that you do in a mining pool.

With these incomes, you will have to pay the initial investment costs, rentals and electricity, in addition to the maintenance of the equipment and due to the uncertainty that mining facilities represent due to geopolitical restrictions and the ghost of mining capitalization, the risk of these operations at a particular level, is high enough to leave small investors out of them.

Being in Perpetuum means being constantly up-to-date and with the latest mining technology, since the acquisition, renewal and updating of its equipment is constant.

"A small investor cannot afford to migrate his small number of equipment"

And this is where Perpetuum comes in to take care of all these risks.

The way in which it achieves this is by investing the resources that come in from the sale of the $PRP token in mining facilities, thereby making the holders partners in these investments and, of course, in participating in their facilities and utility, as well. small investors are not exposed to the risks detailed above, they are only exposed to the volatility of the token, due to the natural fluctuations of the market.

It is a scheme in which the investor is protected by the mining system.

The system is the following. The most important thing is to understand that this is an investment in mining.

When Perpetuum generates yield, all the income it generates through mining will be used to buy $PRP tokens and burn them almost completely, generating not only an increase in price, due to the effect of the purchase, but also by reducing the supply. making your investment grow, through this technique a positive feedback is guaranteed, both for the investments, which will see the price of the $PRP token grow day after day, and for the project, since the $PRP reward is applied the tokenomics.

From the PERPETUUM tokenomics we can highlight 2 things, it is low and it is decreasing.

When an individual purchases a Perpetuum token, 10% of the value derived from the transaction is redistributed to other players in the industry. Of this amount, 9% is allocated to the mining operation to finance the activity and the subsequent repurchase and burning events derived from mining income. The remaining 1% goes to the development team for future development of the Perpetuum protocol. When users sell their Perpetuum tokens, 15% of the value derived from the total sale is redistributed. Of this amount, 8% goes to the mining operations, while 7% goes to the development team. This system offers a powerful incentive to hold, while any transaction that occurs ensures residual value accumulation for Perpetuum token holders.

Perpetuum's potential must be evaluated in the strictest sense of perpetual growth, since all transactions, both purchases and sales, leave a residual and real asset, which will continue to be distributed both to old investors and to new ones. new.

The contract guarantees the effective distribution of the resources that have been invested.

In addition, the integration on the website of a monitoring interface is included, where you can see in real time, all the income obtained through mining. To all this, a 24/7 viewing system of the mining facilities is also added.

Without a doubt, all audited by Tech Audit, passing each and every one of the tests as approved.

In conclusion, Perpetuum is an innovative project, with enormous growth potential, and a qualified and committed team.Web:



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