Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The system is broken

Western society has now passed the point of no return for recovery to the conditions that powered prosperity through the last century. Corruption and cronyism have destroyed the foundation and the system is irrevocably broken. The sociopaths that distorted things to this level of instability will continue to plunder and propagandize but eventually we are going to struggle through a complete collapse. There are simply too many disincentives embedded in the system to overcome at this point.

If we look behind the curtain for almost every major issue right now, the rhetoric behind it has been piled on for many years. This is an engineered event with a logical outcome. The right spark is going to set the whole system in flames no matter what side of any issue you may be standing.

These systematic events in history have played out with loss and mass suffering. We all talk about the French Revolution but there are dozens of similar times of social upheaval. In the aftermath of the US Civil War, those holding gold and silver in the South were able to recover quickly. In Venezuela and Zimbabwe, those holding bullion could still buy necessities and accumulate assets as the paper money became worthless. We all know about Weimar Germany, Argentina, and now Turkey in real time.

We in the west are going to wake up one morning and discover the banks are closed and the money we were saving for a rainy day is gone. Those dolts that were happy to sit on the couch and cash government cheques are even more fucked in this outcome as they do not have the skills to support themselves and will no longer get free money. Shortages of everything will happen just as the inflation makes anything that is still around unaffordable. A few silver coins in hand can make the difference for survival in this scenario. Those who claim you cannot eat silver are probably going to find that you cannot eat paper money, bitcoin, bond certificates or credit cards. None will hold value when the system finally breaks for good.

Be prepared my fellow Apes. This shit can go down very quickly and change the world forever. We think we are so special and it cannot happen here. Meanwhile we have compromised leadership quietly on board with a reset for all of us to own nothing and eat bugs. Good luck!

TLDR: Just buy silver bullion for a safety net when everything else goes to hell. Price is less important than long term security in times of duress.

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