Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Cardano Rumor Rundown March 29, 2022

Hey Everyone!

Let's go...

Newly covered today:

  1. Liquid has released details on the utility of the Liqwid Aquafarmer NFTS. Apparently they’ll boost staking rewards in the Agora safety pool with bigger boosts depending on rarity. https://liqwid-finance.medium.com/liqwid-aquafarmers-nfts-mint-utility-and-protocol-owned-liquidity-30b1fae77283
  2. Milkomeda (an Ethereum Virtual Machine sidechain of Cardano) is live! We can now commence doing Solidity stuff better than Ethereum. https://twitter.com/Milkomeda_com/status/1508478019035357189
  3. Here’s the keynote address from Charles at the Dubai Binance Blockchain Week event. https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles/status/1508553538816733186

Previously Covered but still interesting:

  1. The world is catching on to the difference between energy intensive blockchains and green blockchains like Cardano. https://twitter.com/IOHKMedia/status/1493986040985567234
  2. This is important for all of us in crypto: a “Keep Your Coins Act” has been introduced into Congress to help safeguard the right to self-custody your crypto that certain lawmakers would like to end. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/us-congressman-warren-davidson-introduces-the-keep-your-coins-act
  3. Weiss Crypto is once again saying extremely nice things about Cardano. https://twitter.com/WeissCrypto/status/1494038885294297097
  4. ADA Realm is reporting that they have signed a contract for development of their metaverse in Unreal Engine 4. https://twitter.com/AdaRealm/status/1494210599705710595
  5. 1 Billion ADA has moved to single pool operators. I think we can call this a TVD positive event. https://twitter.com/CardanoPoolPeek/status/1494292161889808385
  6. Wyoming is trying to launch its own stablecoin. Not so sure how this will end. https://twitter.com/CaitlinLong_/status/1494427624453685248
  7. There is now a Coti/World Mobile partnership. I think we’ve been waiting for this to happen. They say ADAPay will be offered to African Merchants who connect to the World Mobile system. https://twitter.com/COTInetwork/status/1494317454490673155
  8. Cardano is straight up destroying everyone (again) in adjusted transaction volume according to Messari. https://messari.io/screener/chains-activity-DB01F96B
  9. There was a giant attack reported on Open Sea users. The number $200MM was thrown around. Reports were of a phishing scam, but Open Sea claimed it wasn’t email based. https://twitter.com/CryptoWhale/status/1495206028065005568 https://twitter.com/opensea/status/1495473886380519427
  10. If you haven’t read it already, here’s a very good thread on the need to preserve self-custody in crypto at all costs. https://twitter.com/punk6529/status/1494444624630403083
  11. Self-custody software providers already handing out hilarious rejections to the Canadian government demanding that they “freeze” user crypto accounts. https://twitter.com/nunchuk_io/status/1494885897577271299
  12. The Canadian government’s attempts to “freeze” self-custodied crypto immediately reminded some of the concept of “social slashing” that apparently exists in Ethereum? https://twitter.com/CryptoCrystalB1/status/1494690430105096194
  13. MuesliSwap has a brand new charting function. https://twitter.com/MuesliSwapTeam/status/1495786253643661325
  14. Ardana launches Ardana academy to help people learn about Cardano. https://medium.com/ardana-hub/announcement-ardana-academy-to-launch-this-week-ca30d03079c7
  15. Coti/Djed has now partnered with AADA. https://twitter.com/COTInetwork/status/1495759777993011202
  16. The February Cardano 360 will be Thursday the 24th at 17:30 UTC. https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1495838241894940676
  17. MuesliSwap has announced that in order “[t]o take some load off the main network until the congestion is resolved” they will be launching an AMM on M1. They say that “means MuesliSwap will operate an order-book DEX on Cardano mainnet and an AMM DEX on the M1 sidechain.” But, don’t worry. They report that “[w]hen the time is right, we will merge both worlds together!” As to liquidity pools on their currently existing DEX, the release says “this also allows us to test liquidity pools, which we plan on adding to our Cardano mainnet DEX in the middle of 2022.” https://medium.com/@muesliswap/muesliswap-is-releasing-an-amm-dex-on-milkomeda-sidechain-cc505438dce2
  18. The Ardana community call for this week is now available. No announcement on the start date of the ISPO as near as I can tell. But, the call contained interesting discussion of Ardana’s aspirations in relation to global forex markets. https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaJbNlEALnJX?s=20
  19. When will Biden’s Executive Order on crypto be issued given the crisis in Ukraine taking center stage? No one seems to know. We do know that there are reports of discord between the White House and Treasury that may have delayed the order as well. https://fortune.com/2022/02/22/yellen-white-house-split-slows-crypto-strategy/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-16/yellen-white-house-said-to-be-split-on-crypto-executive-order
  20. Sam Bankman-Fried enjoyed getting “son’d” by both Jesse Powell of Kraken and Caitlin Long of Avanti Bank after he made some claims of questionable accuracy about crypto cooperation with regulators. https://twitter.com/jespow/status/1496327891528867845 https://twitter.com/CaitlinLong_/status/1496330615373070338
  21. The MuesliSwap v.2 audit has been completed by MLabs. MuesliSwap v.2 will now be rolled out over the course of a month (first on testnet). We’re talking about the Cardano mainnet DEX here not the EVM AMM. Apparently, this is the version that will include partial order filling which is a huge leap forward for MuesliSwap! https://medium.com/@muesliswap/muesliswap-v2-smart-contract-successfully-passed-an-audit-by-mlabs-fb2434771521
  22. Pavia has onboarded what seem to be some very legit music producers to create a studio on an estate in Pavia and explore what can be done in the stadium with music. https://twitter.com/Pavia_io/status/1496483677798379521
  23. Big update on the Cardano Summit 2021 NFTs. It looks like we will all be able to turn our Terra Virtua assets into actual NFTs. Apparently, they are just finishing integrating Nami wallet right now. Thanks for this great update, Joshua Miller! https://twitter.com/IOHK_Josh/status/1496633915422883843
  24. MuesliSwap should now reflect your ADA Handle. https://twitter.com/MuesliSwapTeam/status/1496901112351408132
  25. The February Cardano 360 is now available for your viewing pleasure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTmJ5Z3wuoM
  26. SundaeSwap reports that the Reverse ISO moved two billion ADA over to single pool operators. https://twitter.com/SundaeSwap/status/1496980110506921990
  27. SundaeSwap starts moving toward DAO governance of the protocol. https://sundaeswap-finance.medium.com/the-sundaeswap-protocols-road-to-community-governance-be9c49d803e4
  28. There’s a new Network Energy Usage dashboard in Cardano Blockchain Insights. It shows CArdano is 47,000 more energy efficient than Bitcoin. Very crazy since we’re also more decentralized. https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/3136c55b-635e-4f46-8e4b-b8ab54f2d460/page/p_lz1r0b9arc
  29. Gal Gadot has invested in a Cardano DEX project? https://www.fxempire.com/news/article/gal-gadot-backed-cardano-dex-adaswap-raises-2-6-million-919416
  30. Interim governance seems to be in full swing for the SundaeSwap DAO. https://forum.sundaeswap.finance/
  31. Apparently, the National Security Council’s Director of Cybersecurity thinks crypto couldn’t even handle the volume necessary for Russia to evade sanctions. https://twitter.com/hannahdlang/status/1499029140305068033
  32. Looks like we have some Pavia podcasts coming our way. https://twitter.com/Pavia_io/status/1498932836363120643
  33. Daedalus 4.9.0 is out! If you’ve never used a full-node wallet, try it out! https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1499421392470695940
  34. DripDropz has now (March 3) moved back to normal distribution of all tokens after the resounding success of their 30 million token SundaeSwap distribution. https://twitter.com/ContactDrip/status/1499445874681950218 https://twitter.com/ContactDrip/status/1499403974448926720
  35. Metamask users are discovering that they won’t have access to their crypto wallet if they are in sanctioned areas. Turns out decentralization has some value and Cardano users have been reflecting on this. https://twitter.com/WatcherGuru/status/1499414900355047427
  36. IOG has opened a consultative discussion with stakepool operators around whether the minimum fixed fee of 340 ADA should be reduced to 30 ADA. Predictably, SPOs expressed a variety of positions on this. https://twitter.com/timbharrison/status/1499467957612814344
  37. Cardano Hieronymus makes a good point about Cardano sometimes being too self-critical. https://twitter.com/CardanoHumpback/status/1499475148155588609
  38. JP Morgan owns critical Ethereum architecture??? https://protos.com/consensys-lawsuit-jpmorgan-owns-critical-ethereum-infrastructure/
  39. There is a brand new SpaceBudz website! https://twitter.com/spacebudzNFT/status/1500469079991369729
  40. SundaeSwap now supports five different wallets. This is a great sign of a maturing DeFi ecosystem in Cardano. https://twitter.com/SundaeSwap/status/1500177005890920448
  41. Node Release 1.34.1 is out. https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/releases/tag/1.34.1
  42. Terra Virtua says it is still working hard to get us our Cardano Summit NFTs. https://twitter.com/TerraVirtuaHQ/status/1500905522542878720
  43. Cardano defi platform, Genius Yield, has launched a new website. https://twitter.com/GeniusyieldO/status/1497317182119845894
  44. Ardana has posted a recording of their twitter space on Orbis, the ZK-rollup L2 solution. https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1MYxNnYmykbxw
  45. Coinbase has blocked 25k Russia linked accounts. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60661763
  46. Biden has signed the executive order on cryptocurrencies (March 9). https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/09/executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/09/fact-sheet-president-biden-to-sign-executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-innovation-in-digital-assets/ https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/biden-orders-government-study-digital-dollar-other-cryptocurrency-risks-2022-03-09/
  47. The ADAO community has partnered with Liqwid to build the Agora Governance System! https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1501215165336981510
  48. There will be a large event for Cardano community members going down in Denver in October! https://twitter.com/bigpeyYT/status/150165380779679334
  49. Senator Lummis is going to unveil a bill to integrate crypto into the larger financial system. It will be interesting to see how these legislative attempts stack up against the reports that come out of the Biden Executive Order. https://twitter.com/SenLummis/status/1501576072437059593
  50. Poolpeek.com has re-designed their dashboard. https://poolpeek.com
  51. Genius Yield and Coti have partnered. https://geniusyield.medium.com/genius-yield-and-coti-partnership-announcement-e24a432dd03b
  52. Mlabs has partnered with ACTA Finance. https://twitter.com/MLabs10/status/150194849663027609
  53. The ADA Handle Mainnet is now live! https://twitter.com/adahandle/status/1502690939332034566
  54. Here’s an interesting article from Rob Greig of Cornupcopias: “The Island, The Ocean, The Pond and The Metaverse”. https://twitter.com/CornucopiasGame/status/1502723613476204545
  55. The EU’s Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) draft legislative framework which may limit proof-of-work crypto assets is up for a vote today (March 14). There is a report that crypto assets "shall be subject to minimum environmental sustainability standards with respect to their consensus mechanism used for validating transactions, before being issued, offered or admitted to trading in the Union." Obviously this would be a massive problem for proof-of-work chains. This is a new attempt to include such language after a previous provision had been removed. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/03/12/limiting-proof-of-work-crypto-back-on-the-table-as-eu-parliament-prepares-virtual-currencies-vote/ https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/22/03/26115263/bitcoin-may-effectively-be-banned-in-europe-as-eu-set-to-finalize-regulatory-framework-for
  56. Here’s some analysis of the EU MiCA draft language guessing that there’s a good chance it will pass today (March 14) but that it might be removed during “Trilogues” which will be the subsequent informal tripartite meetings on legislative proposals between representatives of the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, and the European Commission. https://twitter.com/paddi_hansen/status/1502546546914729984 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/olp/en/interinstitutional-negotiations
  57. It looks like we have crossed the quarter billion dollar mark in terms of total value locked in Cardano DeFi. https://defillama.com/chain/Cardano
  58. The EU MiCA legislative framework went forward in the Monetary and Economic Affairs Committee without the provisions that would phase out proof-of-work. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/03/14/proposal-limiting-proof-of-work-is-rejected-in-eu-parliament-committee-vote-sources/
  59. Colorado will start accepting crypto for tax payments. https://dailyhodl.com/2022/03/09/colorado-governor-polis-sees-only-upside-in-being-first-to-accept-crypto-for-tax-payments/
  60. Pavia is working toward yield farming with SundaeSwap. https://twitter.com/Pavia_io/status/1503329175607853059
  61. The ADA Handle public mainnet mint is off to a great start. It looks like ghosting requires a lot of handles. https://twitter.com/CalvinsBrew/status/1503454784904482822
  62. Cardano Village is considering shooting for a full Avatar/Chat style metaverse vision: “Let's tell some great stories. Let's open the gates of hell. We are considering making a web mode metaverse by June. Like Decentraland. An avatar will appear, chat and enter the house. Why did I make such a hellish choice? I will show everyone how good our team is. I will show everyone who is the best team.” –A-DAK-GALBI https://discord.com/channels/909109787130748928/922034270850150430
  63. Here’s a testnet transaction to open a hydra head! https://twitter.com/_KtorZ_/status/1503683515421974530
  64. We’re starting to see some things out of the Crypto Bisons algorithmic in-game music concept. https://twitter.com/CryptoBisons/status/1503698342320254979
  65. Liqwid is announcing some good results with their qToken Plutarch script. https://twitter.com/liqwidfinance/status/1503742933614346248
  66. There is a mystery project called Plutobay that is coming to Cardano soon and is partnered with MuesliSwap. https://twitter.com/MuesliSwapTeam/status/1503766642010038275
  67. IOHK conservatively estimates that there are 500 projects building on Cardano. That is a small army of projects!! https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1503701168001802240
  68. Pavia gives us a little update on their broader “Pavia Compatible Asset” strategy. https://twitter.com/Pavia_io/status/1504092703193194503
  69. The Fed raised the Federal Funds Rate by 25 basis points. While this may seem very small to combat the rampant inflation, this may be the beginning of something that could be very impactful to Cardano if the fed raises rates at every meeting for the rest of the year. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/03/16/business/fed-meeting-interest-rates https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/federalfundsrate.asp
  70. NFTs are coming to instagram in the near term. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/03/15/mark-zuckerberg-says-nfts-are-coming-soon-to-instagram/
  71. There is now ADA support in Trezor suite. https://twitter.com/Trezor/status/1504117266899775494
  72. Liquid has partnered with Coti & Djed. https://twitter.com/liqwidfinance/status/1504465413534478341
  73. Here’s more of the trend that our online future will be more 3D and less 2D. Indigo has a Catalyst Proposal to build a learning center in the Cardano metaverse. https://twitter.com/Indigo_protocol/status/1504570021741318144
  74. Sen. Warren is once again up to her old tricks. She has introduced a bill with overly broad language that might end up targeting anyone (even someone who releases open source software) who might have done anything that enabled a transaction by an address that is related to a sanctioned individual. https://www.coincenter.org/new-crypto-sanctions-bill-targets-publishing-code-facilitating-transactions/
  75. We now have a link for the Cardano Fraud Detection Bureau if you see something suspicious. https://twitter.com/InputOutputHK/status/1504475158098026509
  76. It looks like MinSwap has overtaken SundaeSwap in terms of TVL. https://defillama.com/chain/Cardano
  77. The Artifct NFT market is now live. https://twitter.com/ArtifctApp/status/1504891600605954049
  78. MuesliSwap gave us a peek at their V2 interface which will include partial matching. https://twitter.com/MuesliSwapTeam/status/1505545800558026758
  79. ADA Realm has announced the signing of a contract with Actum Games to develop their metaverse. https://twitter.com/AdaRealm/status/1505493627258212358
  80. The March Mid-Month Update is out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RsTi6TJAvc
  81. The relative capacities of Cardano and Ethereum to handle the ever-increasing complexity demanded of Gen 3 blockchains appear to be diverging with an Ethereum Core Developer dropping a long thread concluding that “If the protocol [Ethereum] doesn't get slimmer, it's not going to make it.” Meanwhile, Haskell developers are happy to explain how the compositionality of Cardano’s chosen programming language is perfect to accommodate complexity. https://twitter.com/peter_szilagyi/status/1504887154761244673 https://twitter.com/gotMeAHaskell/status/1505313180427427841
  82. Liqwid has announced that their Public Testnet will go live in April. https://twitter.com/liqwidfinance/status/1505895725221220355
  83. Goldman Sachs just became the first major U.S. bank to do an over-the-counter crypto deal. On the other side of the transaction was Galaxy Digital. The transaction involved a Bitcoin related non-deliverable option. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/21/bitcoin-options-goldman-sachs-announces-otc-crypto-trade-with-galaxy-digital.html?__source=sharebar|twitter&par=sharebar
  84. CCVault wallet has changed its name to Eternl Wallet and has partnered with Artifct! https://twitter.com/eternlwallet/status/1505985000675680265
  85. Liquid has released a thread where the number of yields they are describing has dramatically increased from numbers we have seen in the past. https://twitter.com/liqwidfinance/status/1506304639049912325
  86. Cardano is the largest holding in Grayscale’s Smart Contract Platform Ex-Ethereum Fund beating Solana, Avalanche, Algorand, Pokadot, Polygon & Stellar. Hmmm, probably a smart call, Grayscale. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/03/22/2407606/0/en/Grayscale-Investments-Launches-Smart-Contract-Platform-Fund.html https://twitter.com/Grayscale/status/1506288504803934226
  87. Apparently, the Djed testnet is incoming. https://twitter.com/DjedStablecoin/status/1506273051670896647
  88. There’s a new article explaining pipelining from IOHK. Pipelining will arrive in June. https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2022/03/21/increasing-the-transaction-throughput-of-cardano/
  89. There is a mystery of some 23 new fully saturated pools with 1.5 billion ADA. The domain hosting the metadata seems to imply Coinbase. https://twitter.com/pool_pm/status/1506068332927197190
  90. MinSwap appears to have remedied their issues with a new smart contract after a period of being down for 50 hours due to a critical vulnerability. As a great example of community spirit, SundaeSwap congratulated them and encouraged everyone to be understanding. https://mobile.twitter.com/MinswapDEX/status/1507130301830606850 https://twitter.com/SundaeSwap/status/1507006139287805964
  91. Looks like there was another giant exploit on a network that is a competitor to Cardano. This time it was Solana and reports are of $50MM lost. https://twitter.com/samczsun/status/1506578902331768832
  92. Cornucopias is now dropping posts about lands. This must mean we are inching closer to that date. https://twitter.com/RobGreig3/status/1507065754029600768
  93. Cardano Assets now has frequently updated performance updates on Cardano Tokens. https://twitter.com/cardanoassets/status/1506923728646590469
  94. Here’s a talk with Senators Lummis & Gillibrand (co-sponsors of a bipartisan crypto bill) on crypto regulation. There is an interesting discussion at 39:45 regarding the energy benefits of proof-of-stake and a reference to how benefits could be created to incentivize a move to PoS. https://twitter.com/POLITICOLive/status/1507101733796913167
  95. Here’s an awesome new dashboard for everything Cardano. https://coindodo.io/cardano/
  96. It’s looking like voice chat will be a thing in Pavia. I love this news. https://twitter.com/Pavia_io/status/1507404360661323789
  97. MuesliSwap Dex Aggregation: Instant Swap. https://docs.muesliswap.com/cardano/quick-swap-beta
  98. MuesliSwap has also released details on their new Muesli Yield Token which will be earned from staking LP tokens. The Muesli Yield Tokens can then be staked to earn call options on the MuesliSwap Milk token at 1ADA. https://docs.muesliswap.com/cardano/muesli-yield-token
  99. According to the recent Charles AMA, the Djed deployment will likely be in H2 to take advantage of the Vasil HFC upgrades. https://youtu.be/baBpzk6EwFE?t=1485
  100. ErgoDex (a cross-chain DEX on both Cardano & Ergo) will hit the Cardano testnet on April 4th! https://twitter.com/ErgoDex/status/1507779151331307539
  101. Here’s a very interesting discussion of stakepool parameters with Dr. Michael Liesenfelt. https://youtu.be/eAs_L68RO-c
  102. Research suggests that ⅔ of all NFT collections are now trading below mint price or not trading at all. Included in the research were 8,400 ETH NFT collections. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-26/nft-collection-failures-begin-to-mount-in-flashback-to-ico-bust

~Army of Spies

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