Saturday, April 16, 2022

Youtube comment censors are out of control

My first hand experience with this has been nuts. By now it's no surprise your comments would get deleted if you are mentioning anything particularly controversial from current events, but the net has been growing wider to capture even more topics and now even interferes with completely innocuous conversation.

How they work is it will let you post your comment... but if you refresh the page, they will be nowhere to be found. Certain keywords or phrases seem to trip it. Again, no surprise if it is in regards to a currently relevant controversial topic the propaganda machine is currently running cover for.

For example, my first encounter with this was with any attempts to make any reference to

It's standard that links directing off youtube get deleted. This is an understandable anti-spam measure. But ANY reference got deleted. I have cumulatively spent an hour or two trying different variations which forgo the actual URL or saying "dot com" to get it past the filter. Ivm meta site, ivm meta page, "eye-vee-emm meta". I'd find one that finally works, and it wouldn't work a few weeks later.

The best part was this was first happening under a video that had it linked in the description, and spent 20 minutes showing the site on screen and talking about it, and generally showing it in a positive light. The video was never removed.

More surprisingly, it's also happening with topics that are against the interests of the deep state (or whichever you prefer to call them) but less explicitly so. Just now, under a video about bitcoin, it kept deleting a reply of mine just sharing general information about how bitcoin cannot be hyperinflated, why fiat inflation is an issue, andsome things which cause me to be skeptical about the utility of bitcoin. There are many others similar to this, ones that would catch you off guard.

It seems that in an attempt to get all these censored, the wide net of the filter is resulting in massive amounts of false positives. Completely PC jokes of mine get deleted. Other just innocuous comments and questions. More and more I'm finding the comment sections of youtube are losing their very basic functionality.

It is mind boggling it is getting this bad but the silver lining is they are shooting themselves in the foot and just providing grounds for competitors to usurp their position. I really enjoy Odysee as a platform so far. They're constantly improving things at a fast rate and fundamentally how it works, what Youtube is now doing will never be a problem with Odysee. Once they launch their creator monetization program, it will explode as creators can truly make a living from the platform.

I see people complain there sometimes but you can't have your cake and eat it too. There is going to be growing pains as they work out the kinks, and things are rapidly improving. It's already pretty good. Google is a terrible company. You should vote with your dollar, I just signed up for their premium. But at the least vote with your data. A competitor will never overtake Youtube if you never support one.

The main issue is lack of content. Simply lots of my favorites aren't there and it's hard to find replacements. Here's where I suggest, maybe it's better to spend less time on screens anyways.

But when you do find something good, it's nice to actually be able to talk with people about it in the comments, with zero restrictions whatsoever.

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