Monday, June 13, 2022

The death of Celsius is a good thing.

So during the bullrun of last year, decided to take advantage of the free btc promo for trying out the platform form for a few months. I thought wow this is cool. I knew in my mind they were shorting my btc but still had trust. It wasn't until the Canadian government started to pull some shady shit on the truckers during the protest that lead me to throwing all my bitcoin from Celsius to cold storage again.

After seeing recent events in Luna and Celsius. I see this as a good thing. The scams are being washed out and people are finally waking up to "not your keys, not your crypto".

Buy when your body and mind says to sell. Dollar cost average. Don't put more then you can afford to loose. Understand the reason why bitcoin was created, 2 countries have made it legal tender. Hodl. ❤.

Side note: I love all the crypto influencer that are like "I've met Alex, he's a really nice guy but this is wrong". No shit. He's a litteral con that will have his company remembered next to Bitconnect, Luna and Mt.Gox.

End goal in life is to accumulate as much bitcoin as possible. Some people have the same goal but they are willing to lie, trick and steal your bitcoin to add to their own.

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