Monday, July 18, 2022

If you have crypto in Coinbase you might want to transfer it out soon

Hey guys, lurker/used-to-watch-streams-but-not-really-anymore guy here. There's a lot of writing on the wall with Coinbase potentially being the next massive crypto exchange to stop withdrawals in the coming months. In the past few days they've cut affiliate programs, ended their Coinbase Pro program which offered lower fees for trading, and as we know they laid off a ton of employees. Just see here:

There's a lot of rumors and reading the tea leaves there's a likelihood that Coinbase will go under and you don't want to be left without being able to withdraw like what happened with Celsius users (crypto exchange/"bank"):

I know this subreddit has zero to do with Coinbase, but they were a long time sponsor for a lot of Ludwig's events and for other streamers as well. So it's very likely a lot of users here are Coinbase users. And I'm not going to tell you sell your bitcoin, sell your Ethereum, because that's not the discussion right now. But if you bought in and want to keep it, you should look into finding a different exchange and transferring before it's too late.

To be clear, I have no hard evidence of Coinbase going under, I could be completely wrong. And just so people know, I don't work for other exchanges, I'm not an ex-Coinbase employee, if you look at my history I'm pretty anti-crypto. I just know that Ludwig advertised for this specific exchange a lot, so a lot of his audience might be left holding the bag and even though he couldn't predict this and it would 100% not be his fault, I'm sure he'd feel terrible knowing he told you specifically to use them and then they screw you over. That's why I'm posting this.

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