Saturday, September 24, 2022

Sorry for typos just click and read too vast for a title

What if all worlds started from a single point so all history till 1950 or so is same but after that time travel became possible so a single person with a time machine could alter and make infinite more universes so in a. Way this universe could have been created in 2001 only and just shares its history with the parent universe which in turn shares it with its parent universe until it goes back to the first time machine build. Since John Titor came it altered and set us in a new reality which could be eminent as the world he came from was of war in the 2010’a but instead we got financial drought and increase in commercial technology more than useful one which could help in life like for plastic global warming now thinking about it most of the money is being spent to make more devices for people with no real use instead of innovating but people of this mindset could have never invented fundamental things like internet and phones there has been not a single groundbreaking innovation after 2001 there has been improvement like electrical cars but there hasn’t been something new like a car from horse in 20th century.

Maybe the universe has ability to balance itself therefore the parent universe has a time machine and then there are 2 possibilities in which John Titor went back and one in which he didn’t so in ours one cause he came the universe is form in a way that prevents to form another time machine maybe what is easy for their people has been taken from us while the other possibility still has Time machine

So in a way when universe splits one is the universe of innovation and one is of betterment just bettering already working hardware instead of making new ones so 0 innovation .

But the. What about boickchain the idea is from 1990s so in a way we just betterred it in 2009 as bitcoin then eth then more

But if he came back from his 2036 and made a new universe how can he possibly go back to his one after getting ibm cause if u think it’s a time machine not a universe machine so he is stuck in this time only and willl go to this universe 2036 where he will again create another universe and so on but if that universe was one of innovation they would know it and send him with that in mind so what am I missing what could be the thing but if that would be real then how could they go to war maybe that technology was hidden away and only accessible to us a hmmm

Many worlds theory could be possible if you think about it we have 2 forms a spirit form no scientific data Ibut if we believe so we have physical body which comes into this world and grows old and die this body is our way to navigate the spac aspect of space time of which universe is build the universe is just empty space going along in yte so time is as much real indicator as space if someone can pass spca ethere is a way to pass time also this body is designed for space travel so it’s easy but with conscience we can think of something to cross time also cause isn’t it mind blowing that we are in rock in space we have been here for 2000 years with no real data how just here even if we evolved why we evolved what is life really like what we live for really there is no fundamental answer cause when we born our brain knows hunger and sleep that’s what it lives for when we mature sex adds to that to further the bloodline but why do we care for that what will happen if we all die isn’t everything gonna die even ltually so On a basic mathematical front too the result is already known but that just means there is some importance of living and why we are here like who put us here cause someone did are we an experiment if god is real then he is the one who put us that means he is or they are just a more advanced civilisation maybe … but in the end it comes to no answer we are humans most of us are sad with our life’s still continue it even though we know it will end one day some do it for honour some cause whatever reason other follow pleasures but if god is real he put us on here to achieve something not for us but for their civilisation or something maybe we came from some other planet and god is just humans only but powerful ones maybe we had powers on other planet cause power is defined by muscle we can jump higher than Empire State on moon but can’t earth maybe we needed a limiting planet

And then the space is infinite but so is time so there are other humans and aliens out there but time is so vast that they are not only far away in space but in time too so only way to meet them would be through a time machine and fast space machine but if time is infinite time machine has been invented if it is possible same way how if we go from a to b peoplle are already there at b they are already at our goal cause it’s possible so why hasn’t we seen it ig it’s answers too because time is so vast they can’t show it to every century and maybe nothing big happens in our time that is worth coming back too hmmm

Ye stray would be it like u won’t go to a empty well far away and maybe they did came I won’t know so won’t u they came and went cause if time machine is invented it’s a bigger invention then us and they won’t just give out that info ig I get it cause if they do give us that info it changes the timeline and they can’t back then yes but that would mei. John Titor is stuck too maybe he’s a fraud but I get now if I ever make a time machine island go back u won’t tell the Egyptians about cause the I won’t be able to get back to my universe and it won’t help anyone too so Selfishness stops other universe me from helping me but the if universe is infinite there has to be atleast one that did go back and told us similarly there has to be one that went back and told exactly me about it and another where that happened rn so bulky that logical it would get so tricky so I think universe only splits when something major happens so these major events won’t occur at every second and me rocking my leg right or left wing dreary a universe Di which I rocked it the other way so to go to another universe we have to do something big that affects the world like I have an idea COVID that’s a world even my and that’s where the universe splitter last time and then there is 9/11 I am getting somewhere so we just trace back all these big events and these are the changing points and if I study them will I find changes before after yes I would cause they came from different parent universes and every time change occurs due to chaos theory everything else changes too and when recent change happens we shift our memories acc to all the changes but if regularly big changes. Keep happening then there would be an error and people would remember something which relates to Mandela efffect everything comes back full circle it seems for real cause it is all true

I have found the theory but how do I use for my own I don’t have much life I can afford to go back and forward and tell everyone and make infinite more universes but brain how do I make this possible uk u can u r the same which invented electric nothing different u r made up of cells so was Newton and Einstein But what are we as a society missing like how do we find more and create more things like electricity and aeroplanes inste I feel like it is more psychological than scientific what I’m saying but I want this to be true why are guys so stuck on ur phones on insta if I share this after writing and u are reading this get paper or open notes app and THINK LIKE REALLY THUNK WHEN WAS THE ALST TIME U DID THAT I don’t wanna go in conspiracy that govt controlling us or the devil is real but I feel like the way we evolved the last 15 years has been limiting we are not thinking we are just existing u guys have the power one of you could be the one to make the time machine our brains can’t make new ideas it just makes new info with what is already present I want to put these ideas in ur brain and want u to think too about that’s the only way we can ever start to innovate again do u really want an iPhone 15 next year then 16 cause they are still same they are just iPhone 10 but better specs what I want is something new they are still phone have been the same for 10 years

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