Wednesday, November 30, 2022

To All: This crypto-anarchist, 'Peruvian bull,' is egregiously-uneducated. He copies/pastes what he sees from google. Not DD at all. Ban Him. Every dollar going to shills like this is another dollar extracted from $GME and DRS. This is a $GME sub, not a sub for Gov't-defying, crypto anarchists.

Since when do we allow a known anti-$GME crypto collateral hedge that SHF used (Bitcoin) to be promoted on a $GME-specific sub? And since when do we pay people handouts for DD, just so they can take your money, so that you don't buy $GME with it and DRS?

Yet, here he begs, on his knees, for your money. He clearly lost all of his money on Shitcoin, \cough*, I mean Bitcoin.*

I'm calling this person out to be either a shill, or an egregiously-uneducated homeless anarchist who has motive to cause financial harm to others. It seems they want to bring everyone else to their abysmal level.

Hyperinflation is not 7% inflation - by any means. My God. Get a grip of yourself for five minutes, youngling. Request scholarships so you can attend your first college and learn how to not plagiarize google pictures and call it your own DD.

You're forgetting that the dollar is backed now only by one thing: the good faith of the United States Government. While you claim that hyperinflation is an exponentially-acute doom-spiral, allow me to enlighten you: we're not living through the French Revolution here. This is America, rookie.

There is something called the United States fucking military which is what backs that phrase: the good faith of the United States Government. That same military takes an oath to Defend, not any president - not any embodiment; instead, the military and all of its amazing personnel defend the document and what it stands for: the U.S. Constitution.

So, here's where you need an academic lesson:

  • Unlike crypto-based hyperinflation, which can be near-instantaneous, fiat-based hyperinflation cannot happen acutely. It would demand government-violation societal disorder, such as with the French Revolution. If complete societal disorder is what you are advocating for, please let us all know. What would $GME's value be with utter societal disorder?
  • Fiat-based hyperinflation takes hundreds to thousands of percentages of increase in the supply for it to relatively devalue the base currency
  • The dollar is backed by the strongest military in the world. Since you haven't figured it out yet, the U.S. military, combined with its Western allies, is about ten orders of magnitude more lethal than any and all combinations of other nations in the world. Therefore, the italicized-phrase above does have merit. The dollar, therefore, does indeed have intrinsic value the likes of which no other currency - in the history of the world - has ever had.
  • Currency valuation is also backed by labor of the nations the currency is assigned to.
  • It is true that the U.S., as well as the rest of the globe, is bootstrapped with egregious debt, as exacerbated by the Pandemic. This does not mean that the world will just explode like you imply it will. Instead, upon any mistrust in the currency and the markets it backs (i.e. the stock market) there will be an initial liquidity crunch. This liquidity crunch means that the U.S. cash is king. Why do you think the U.S. dollar is going up so supremely, in relative value, this year and into today?

And no, Bitcoin is not going to be implemented as the currency of the future. It's too slow to transact, too slow for confirmations, and the proof-of-work mining of Bitcoins is now the globe's leading contributor to global warming. GameStop's Ethereum as the underlying is far better. It's backed by NFTs and digital utility which are the real antiques of the digital economy.

Remember: Since you clearly advocate for the world blowing up, and a digital commodity like Bitcoin taking over as the societal standard, then what would be safely backing the nation that headquarters GameStop Corp? And further, how quickly would Bitcoin as the de facto transaction-based asset contribute to the rapid melting of the permafrost, glaciers, and poles?

The only merit that can be applied to your post is the idea that there is indeed a technological shift already underway. One where the merger of the tangible and the digital worlds are taking place. This is a tech-driven shift, like the dawn of the personal computer and the internet in the late '90s, nothing more. The governments will adapt; they already are: look:

The U.S. dollar will not hyperinflate. The Federal Reserve's effective rate is already 3.83%. Inflation gets stifled in its tracks by the destruction of societal buying power, reduction of labor, and destruction of productivity. That's the only way to bring down prices, and cause the liquidity crunch that extracts the pent-up-demand-driven market-price-excesses from the economy. As soon as the effective fed rate makes every aspect of society uninvest-able, then those holding the supply of goods have no alternative but to drop their price to meet the willing buyers. That is how to drop inflation.

Value of anything is based on trust, perception, and the intrinsic benefit of the underlying. Although the U.S. dollar is devaluing, the derivative (slope) of inflation is already negative.

Further, the U.S. Government has already been forging the Central Bank Digital Dollar under Project Hamilton since just prior to the Pandemic that was somehow deployed in the far East. The Digital Dollar is designed to prevent sickos like Sam Bankman-Fried and Caroline Ellison from irresponsibly-stealing your cyberassets. I had blindly trusted that whole FTX partnership for a hot minute, and I became publicly embarrassed because of it. Let's all not forget, that for a second there, my GameStop board tried to align itself with that sicko Sam Bankman-Fried, whose girlfriend Caroline Ellison was publicly into polyamory, masochism, sexual hierarchies, and 'chinese harems'. To the GameStop board of directors: don't fucking let it happen again. Stay apolitical - fully politically neutral - and we'll all make a nice profit. Don't do what towel stock did by getting into politics.

GameStop Corp is mine, as well as all of ours. Not just yours- it's All of ours. GameStop is about having fun, playing video games, competing in Esports, and pushing into the digital economy of the metaverse. Stop making it about the end of the fucking world, ya goddamn anarchist. Get ahold of yourself.

To Peruvian Bull: go take your first intro to-economics class, and learn about the country that headquarters' GameStop Corp. And to that wannabe-professor who commented on your post: someone who plagiarizes what they see from google is not worthy of lecturing as a guest in any economics class. You have shown that you could not modify a supply and demand curve based on exogenous events if your begging-for-money-via-SuperStonk life depended on it. Nobody should pay you one dollar for what is supposed to be free DD on here. Stop sapping funds from DRS. GameStop will MOASS as soon as people like you [with google'd DD and incentive to destroy nation-states and hurt families] stops begging innocent GameStop investors on here for money.




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