Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Buddha on the road is the one professing "we don't negotiate with terrorists".

Nope, I'm sorry mate, their the ones who won't negotiate with you. You have all the powers when it comes to the terms of acceptable negotiations. Put a gun to my head and if want to negotiate my life back I better listen to you. Yeah but if I've reincarnated enough times, it probably wouldn't phase me, although I would negotiate if I thought I could come back from it. I mean, like, if you're going to take my ship down, you know for fact right now I want to be sinking yours. I'll do everything to spite you now. If they do a $5 wrench attack, but don't kill you after, then they wouldn't do it in the first place. But in actual fact most poor people have huge respects for the rich, and a lot of rich people value so much that the poor have to teach them. The learn from each other and swap places every generation. Someone who wants to steal your bitcoin isn't going to threaten your life to take it, otherwise if they hacked you it's because they tracked you first and with that money it would be cheap to take you out. That's the beauty of it. Money self violates our notions of wanting to take each other out. It's only really done on extreme inequalities of hate. But the numbers are so small that in comparison to people who would've died anyway, it's like cheese on a biscuit made of spreadable butter. Sure it may be on the rise, and war is never ending, but you realise the only way to stop both is extinction or subverting your own freedom? I'm not saying "it's good we have the freedom to kill others", but that "if I want to be free it comes at the cost of preventing those who don't want me to be free from removing it." That's all it is.

Not negotiating with terrorists is what they realised their opposition was doing. Whispers in tells in their own languages to their own people with their own secrets. The most dangerous thing to power, is a language it doesn't know and can't translate. So which is a number when you punch in the message? They say it to mean we take them out on site. But what it means is neither of you can see each other and you don't see eye to eye. It reveals an implicit lack of understanding. It's a fear prop. I mean, if you can't detail what it is, does it even exist? If you don't even negotiate them I guess it's just kill or torture from their right? They say it because they've convinced you to be scared of them. That's the trick. They say "oh their the one's inspiring fear", and yet they don't know what it is, how to resolve it, why it happens, or at least they say, because it is them who coined the term, and attached it to all the things that did exactly that. Any time the society en masse runs around in fear, you can bet the person to blame is effectively classed as a terrorist. Don't you see how that works? It's like looking at the symptom and calling it the cause. And then admitting you don't understand it and never will, all because clearly you don't want to reveal that it's them who's put a name to a non-groupable characteristic. I don't call it terrorism because that's what happens as a result of it, when the name is post-fixed in location after the fact. I blame the cause as independent and exclusive. This sole isolated fact is the result of the event to which we are afraid of. You must remove the cause to prevent the symptoms. Not all terrorism is the product of wanting to be a terrorist. Usually it's about some avenue of justice. Guaranteed. Revenge. Recompense. Blame. And to name the game of "terrorism" means that you admit there's a realm to which you don't know and your rules don't apply and your predictions don't work, and so you try to cut it out, because that's what you think you should do when all you have for medicine is surgery.

I'm not advocating for terrorism, I'm advocating for studying it in all it's forms and understanding what it's true names are. The names of it's characteristics and properties and forms. But saying you don't negotiate with terrorists means you don't know how to, because the rules of negotiation are your highway transport, main road phenomena, "if only we could negotiate with the terrorists, then we would feel like we've won by now." If the rules of the game aren't played by the threat, then adapt and learn the rules they play by. That's the aim of the game. Once you know the rules of the game, is it learning, or practice? You could learn to juggle for hours, but once I've done a loop of it, I've got the time to practice something else. The only time I practice what I've learnt, is when it lines up with being a preacher.

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