Sunday, March 19, 2023

Satoshi Nakamoto is the kill chord

In light of recent events I thought I'd post a little update to a thread from a year ago

Original post:

"Good day fellow useless eaters.

I've often wondered the legitimacy of a single creator of Bitcoin, for one individual to have created BTC without leaving any form of digital trail and without a single person knowing their true identity seems impossible in this day and age.Know we know the WEFs plans to crash the current financial model, which is likely to happen around the time CBDCs are introduced.

So where does crypto fit into this? Is there a possibility that crypto was introduced by the WEF themselves as a means to familiarise the population with digital currency and also enable an 'organic' move to a cashless society which in turn allows for a smooth transition to the great reset, social credit systems and a living wage? The greater the percentage of the population invested in digital currencies, the easier it is for the them to stage a cyber attack and essentially devalue everything.

This would also explain the allegations that Tether and Bitfinex artificially manipulated the price of BTC. Was it really Tether or was it the WEF inflating the price to draw us all in?"

So a year on and now we're in the midst of a seemingly manufactured banking crisis, the goals of TPTB are becoming a little clearer. We've seen a fairly substantial uptrend in BTC which appears to be spot driven and ties in with the theory that they are forcing people into digital assets in order to prepare them for CBDCs. As we've seen from the proposals of various central banks, CBDCs will expire and will accrue no interest. That means you have to spend your money on whatever you're told you can spend it on within a predetermined time frame. If BTC remains an openly accessible market and you are therefore able to accrue interest and speculate on PA then CBDCs are useless.

For CBDCs to work BTC has to go to 0 or close to it. That's where Satoshi comes in. So, a theory;

  • Increase distrust in traditional banking system and encourage moving into digital assets as a safe haven from the bad bankers.
  • BTC goes parabolic, banks continue to collapse. With a meaningful percentage of the global populations wealth now invested in a single currency it's time for CBDCs.
  • CBDCs arrive but are somewhat unappealing to the general population due to the restrictive nature and centralised control. Time to devalue BTC so CBDCs can save the day.
  • Satoshi's wallets start moving and mass panic ensues, BTC collapses and central banks step in to offer a paltry sum in a respective CBDC in return for your now next to worthless BTC.
  • That's everyone forced into CBDCs, social credit system etc. TPTB plans of stakeholder capitalism come to fruition, BTC eventually becomes the global reserve currency but is inaccessible to the general public.

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