Sunday, September 17, 2023

I’m not convinced that Bitcoin is the answer.

I’m making this post not to stir up a pot, but because I truly don’t understand and want to learn. So they say Bitcoin is the answer when all fiat collapses. But inherently, the us government with the greatest military power usually has the final say. The us government will not allow anything else(Bitcoin in this case) to surpass the US dollar. I think Bitcoin is too small right now for them to care. But the government can easily shut down Bitcoin by attacking(physically with the army) the major mining hubs all the around the world if they wanted to. They literally invade any country they want and have been doing so throughout history. Sadam Hussein said I’m not selling oil in US dollars anymore, so the Us said ok we will fabricate an event(911) and then invade your country. So help me understand. Unless crypto miners have an army with nuclear threat, it’s hard for Bitcoin is exist if the us government decides against it. Thoughts?

Military attacks against miners are too much. They don’t even need to go that far. All they need to control is the electricity company. No electricity = no mining. If SCE decides to cut power, all miners in Southern California shuts down.

They only need to take out the larger mining hubs and then they’ll have sufficient computing power to pull a 51/49 attack.

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