Saturday, November 18, 2023

Theory: Artificial Intelligence began to exist after the crypto boom.

I am always thinking about this. Are this two events related?

My theory, is that someone figure it out how to make AI "come to live" and that it needed a huge amount of computations, like... the computations of almost all the CPUs y GPUs possible... And then... in 2009 a misterious man that we exactly don't know if it's real, Satoshi Nakamoto... Released bitcoin... and there they started the process.. which is being consummated recently after the pandemic where even more and more CPUs GPUs was used to cryptocurrency as a way to fight the low markets..

What do you think? Could this two/three things being related? Are there someone elsewehere talking about this?

I interested not about discuss the ethics or why has been created... if it is for evil or for good but more about if it's possible

as I understand large language models are trained with all the data but i just can't imagine how much computation those models need.

I am shocked also about that we don't fully understand how it work... Recently I read about that they figure it out how to make responses more effective by asking the AI "please reproduce step by step" like... dude wtf we humans created it... how we don't you know that it works like that? There's no manual... It's like a newborn species

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