Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hidden-Hand vs. Eracidni Murev Te (Did the Great Harvest happen in 2012 and Nobody noticed?)

The Hidden-Hand (HH) interview from 2008 is relatively well known among conspiracy theorists, but many are unaware of the follow-up interview with "Eracidni Murev Te" (EMT) in 2018-2019. EMT claimed the Great Harvest really did happen in 2012. Below is a summary of both interviews and a discussion of the conflicting Great Harvest claims.

Hidden-Hand (HH): Window of Opportunity (2008)

HH claims to be a member of the Elite families who have been secretly ruling us since before "the rise and fall of Atlantis" and are tasked with purveying negative polarity as a spiritual catalyst.

HH claims the PTB belong to the extraterrestrial Lucifer group-mind and humanity collectively forms the Yahweh group-mind- which are both part of the One Infinite Creator per the Law of One.

Our earthly existence is a "game" (simulation) and no one really "suffers" or "dies" except in the game. Our goal in this "3rd density" level is to achieve at least 95% negative polarity or 51% positive polarity before the "Great Harvest" in order to graduate to the "4th density"- otherwise, we'll have to repeat this level for another 26,000 year cycle per the precession of the Equinoxes.

The PTB's reign concludes with this cycle, which has EXTREME negativity, because the PTB must themselves obtain 95% negativity in order to "exit" (graduate from) this level.

HH says the globalists we know, who are human minions, really are trying to conquer the world and are unaware of the higher motive of evil as a spiritual catalyst.

The Illuminati's End Game is societal collapse as a precursor to the Harvest. HH says we should focus on "working on ourselves" (spiritual development) in order to achieve a positive Harvest for ourselves.

HH correctly predicted Obama would become president in 2008 and apparently predicted Bitcoin (a "new currency") and BRICS (a "new union of nations").

HH falsely predicted cataclysmic "earth changes" by 2010 and an apocalyptic "Great Harvest" on 12/21/2012.

Eracidni Murev Te ("To Share In Truth"): I am here to answer your Questions (2018-2019)

EMT claims HH is dead and the Great Harvest really did happen in 2012 (without any cataclysmic "earth changes") and we are now unexpectedly in the beginning stages of a 4th density positive world.

EMT says the unexpected "majority positive" Harvest in 2012 was due to a "tipping point" in our collective consciousness, which has now led to a Galactic Law impasse between Lucifer and Yahweh (us) because Lucifer's goal of a "majority negative" Harvest wasn't contractually achieved. EMT contradicts HH who said the PTB want a negative Harvest for themselves (so they can work off their negative karma in a negative 4th density world) and a positive Harvest for everyone else. I'm skeptical of the EMT interview because I doubt we're in a 4th density positive world- even a nascent one- and the EMT interview could be disinformation to stop us from "working on ourselves"- because "the Harvest already" happened". I also suspect EMT is an AI because the posts are devoid of emotion.

EMT says Earth isn't flat (but flat earths exist in other dimensions) and the Moon Landings are fake because the Earth is quarantined by the Van Allen belt. EMT predicts a financial collapse and that the dollar will be replaced by a cryptocurrency. EMT also predicts a pole-shift as part of a "minor Harvest" by the early 2030s.

EMT falsely predicted a major Physics breakthrough from Garrett Lisi's work. (Lisi is the surfer-dude physicist.) EMT gave no hint or warning of COVID and the Great Reset.

Discussion: A commenter on the HH ATS thread, who appears to have "insider" information, recently claimed the Great Harvest didn't happen in 2012 (contradicting EMT) because we collectively delayed it: “The date of the event is misunderstood. Humankind creates this event. We didn’t want it to be 2012 because we wanted more to wake up before. A future date is set, but no human will ever know. The event will be like a thief in the night, slip in with surprise, as it was always designed to be. Many will die immediately, but many more will experience a very unique, very rare occurrence for any soul. We are all truly lucky to be here at this time on Earth.”

This is consistent with the HH interview, which said as much: "Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this" [i.e. our collective consciousness affects how events will unfold].

If the Harvest is real and still forthcoming, then the HH interview could explain why the PTB have promoted a Great Awakening in parallel with the Great Reset. (The PTB apparently want to reach "peak evil" before the Harvest and part of achieving 95% negativity is to gaslight us by revealing their crimes per the Revelation of the Method. But it's also possibly intended as a catalyst to provoke a spiritual awakening.)

The HH interview offers the hope that there really is a benevolent Higher Purpose behind everything. But it could also be a PSYOP (New Age nonsense) and gaslighting to justify evil. Hoax or not, the HH interview gives the practical advice that we should focus on spiritual development before the End Game.

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