Tuesday, May 7, 2024

"Living off alimony, meme stocks and crypto": A mother's plea for gender reveal jet show recommendations goes unheard in r/longisland

A mother of five posts asking for gender reveal party recommendations:

I can finally afford a decent gender reveal and I am so excited. I watched several TikTok’s and really like this one.

Any recommendations for a gender reveal planner?

The event is being held at a beach club.


The linked TikTok depicts several jets flying over a gigantic balloon display, revealing the baby's gender with colored exhaust.

Comments against OP:


"delete this post already.. no one needs another gender reveal or snarky responses from you"

"This is dumb as hell."

"Yeah-don’t have one."

"How about you reveal yourself to have more taste than to gather all your family and friends to celebrate your child's genitals"

Comments defending OP:

"I had a gender reveal party and the neighbors all called the cops on us. I didn’t think they could see. Well, gender reveal wasn’t for them anyways!"

"Don't worry guy you aren't invited."

But OP has so far only responded to two commenters: a plausibly-deniable passive aggressive response to someone suggesting cupcakes instead, and one to this comment:

Aren’t you supposed to let the kid decide their gender nowadays? Also wtf do you mean by finally afford- you’ve been saving up to piss your money away on renting out the blue angels??

OP's response:

Me and my ex invested a lot into crypto and stocks. We did very well when Bitcoin reach 60k the first time. Sold bought cheap and sold again when it hit 60k the second time. Did well with Doge, GME, AMC and others. My ex is also a engineer and owns many patients so my alimony increased a lot .

Thanks for you financial advice with knowing 0 about my situation.

The original commenter fired back with:

So you’re going to waste your gains on a gender reveal so you can post it on social media. Nice

But far more stellar response to OP is:

Living off alimony, meme stocks and crypto.

So smart but posted about the plastic bag inside a turkey, to the subreddit about the country turkey.

Too much cringe for me.

The turkey post in question received not even so much as a single comment.

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