Sunday, June 23, 2024

What’s the difference between gold and Bitcoin?

Let’s ignore for a second Gold’s shinny characteristic and women’s obssession to wear it, thus men’s desire to hoard it. Is gold better than Bitcoin because it has the capability to withstand the low probability event of earth getting blasted by a solar EMP?

It feels so bizarre to be pro-gold backed currency when Bitcoin offers infinite divisibility, instant proof of authenticity, zero storage cost, and a growing user base. At the end of the day people choose money not governments, just like the people of Cambodia are choosing to transact in USD despite their government’s wishes could failed governments really have a say on the usage of Bitcoin?

Pandora’s box was open, the mother of all paradigm shifts is here. For every state, bank, company that fails Bitcoin will be there to feed on their caucuses. Its Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile theory embodied, nothings like an algorithm that just waits in the background for ideas to fail than swallow the fallen.

PS I am not a BTC maxi, I just enjoy hyperboles and liners extrapolation.

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