Monday, July 1, 2024

Uncover the Feathered Conspiracy: Join The Pigeon Order 🕊️


Have you ever wondered if pigeons are just ordinary birds? Think again! Dive into the mysterious world of the Feathered Council and uncover the truth behind these feathered masterminds.


Pigeons are far from your average city birds. They are the masterminds behind a secret world order, known as the Feathered Council. This deep state, or "the real kabal," has been subtly influencing major political, societal, and technological events throughout history. Intrigued yet? Let me take you further down the rabbit hole.


The pigeons we see today are a sophisticated blend of natural birds and advanced drones. This grand scheme was designed to maintain control and surveillance over humanity. Ever heard of Bitcoin? Well, Satoshi, a brilliant pigeon, developed it using ancient avian technology. This was just one instance where they embedded their influence deeper within the blockchain and human history.

The Feathered Council allowed the "Birds Aren't Real" operation to perpetuate their omnipresence. They cleverly convinced many to dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, while the truth was that the U.S. government exterminated millions of birds in the mid-20th century and replaced them with surveillance drones.

This council is an ancient and mysterious group of hyper-intelligent pigeons, possessing superior wisdom and technology. Their cognitive abilities even reach telepathic levels, subtly guiding human civilization from the shadows. Sounds like a plot straight out of a sci-fi movie, right?

Feathered Council Members:

  • Lorez: The enigmatic strategist.
  • Broker: The master of manipulation.
  • Archie: The technological genius.
  • Cody: The silent overseer.


  • Token Supply: 1,000,000,000
  • Renounced Contract
  • LP Burnt
  • 0/0 Taxes

Evidence Locker:

Explore the compelling evidence that unveils the truth about pigeon surveillance and their influence:

  • CIA Agent Confesses to Bird Drone Surveillance
  • Pigeon Accused of Spying for China
  • Competency and Militarization of Carrier Pigeons
  • The Peter McIndoe Interviews
  • Birds Aren't Real Cult Leader "Suicide"

Curious to know more? Dive into the full details and join the conspiracy at Pigeon Order Linktree.

Are you ready to uncover the feathered conspiracy?

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