Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Hypothetical Situations genie offers you the chance to be 18 again.

This one's mainly for us oldies but you younguns can pitch in if you like-

The HS genie says you can be 18 again. There's 2 ways of doing this that you have to choose from

1) you're transported back to your 18th birthday. All your memories are intact (as much as they are now) so you've got future knowledge to leverage but the genie cautions you against trying to change the course of history. Events have their own momentum and trying to warn people about 911 before it happens (for example) will get you regarded as crazy before it happens, ad with deep suspicion afterwards. Some Very Angry people might want to know how you knew about it before hand and spending decades in a CIA black site with people that believe more in waterboarding than genies would be a waste of a second life. But become a Bitcoin billionaire if you want, that's fine.
2) You become 18 now. Your life and health carry on from this point as if you were born 18 years ago. The genie says that if you don't make a fuss people's brains will just gloss over how much younger you look but try to leverage it for fame and fortune and some Very Rich people with the level of morality that comes with becoming Very Rich might just become interested in your secret of immortality and the word vivisection may be involved.

Which do you choose and why?

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