I've got a weird one here. I'm pretty sure its a scam but this person has some serious dedication. This is the order and rough timeline of events.
- Random cute girl from facebook messages me "hi".
- We've got about 15 friends in common so I say hi back, but no idea who it is.
- She works on a cruise ship and runs a small online business. I run a business. We click and chat a couple times a day for a few weeks, moving conversation to Whats App.
- She's always first to initiate, usually with "Good morning, how is your day going?"
- She gets flirty, I say I have a wife, she backs off with the flirting but keeps texting
- About four weeks in, she shows me a screenshot of her bank account with about 500k in it and says she's having trouble funding her online business. Next day she asks for 2k in bitcoin.
- I ask her for a picture of her holding up three fingers. She sends a picture of her holding up a hand, certainly not the way you would hold up three fingers, so I become suspicious.
- I look through her Instagram (which she has about 150k followers) and find the picture of her holding up three fingers from about three years ago (it was more like holding a hand up to block a camera and they cropped it to make it look like three fingers). She had told me her parents had died but she has pictures with them from about a year ago. At times she said she was on the cruise ship, I find pictures of her in a restaurant that is questionable if its on a boat or not.
- That's where I am now.
There is obviously a lie here but I'm not sure where. I guess I'm not sure if its actually the girl she claims to be or not. She had sent me voice notes on Whats App saying my name and at least briefly what we were talking about and the voice seemed to match the voice of the girl on Instagram in her videos. However if it were the real girl, she definitely would have taken a picture holding three fingers, so I'm pretty sure its a different person.
They're taking over the personality of someone with a pretty decent Instagram following (150k) which seems risky to do. There are multiple facebook accounts with same first name, different last name, and two of the accounts are very active but use different punctuation.
After writing this out, I kind of think somebody has copied someone elses facebook account. I'm not sure how they got their voice so similar but I guess with dedication, that can be done.
Has anybody seen something like this? And how can I catch this person? Would it be wise to alert the facebook account I believe is being copied and have them report the copy account?
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