Monday, June 3, 2019

My Godfather refuses to give money to EP. Almost gets stabbed to death.

Hi, first time posting here and I'm on mobile.

The cast:

EM - Entitled Mom

PK - Poor Kid

ND - Nice Dad

NDK - Nice Dad's Kid

G - Godfather

D - My Dad

M - My Mom

       For some backstory, G was an awesome and super kind and smart guy. He got into Bitcoin early and was a self made millionaire. Because he was so kind though, EM often took advantage of this and got free money from him. Also, ND and NDK were married into the family, so not blood related. ND was also a really nice guy. So, this all started about 2 years ago. ND had just married EM and the relationship was shaky. The thing that ripped the iceberg though was pretty extreme. One night, EM was drinking a lot and got super wasted. EM has a negative drinking output, so whenever she drinks, she is super angry. This story right here was told to me by NDK, but I didn't actually see it. NDK told me that EM had grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it over the counter and proceeded to try and shank her with it. ND quickly scooped her up and ran for about 2 miles straight, in barefoot. Then he called the cops on EM. The cops arrived to see EM destroying her house while PK, her own daughter, was watching. I didn't know what happened exactly in court, but ND got custody of NDK. EM got PK though. 1 year passes and my family is helping EM out because we feel bad, and because she is guilt tripping M. At this point, we help out with PK almost every weekend and even help pay for her Martial

arts lessons. EM said she was working, but we found out later she was actually drinking with her friends every weekend. G has started to help EM out. This is mostly because RM is G's sister, and she is guilt tripping him into doing it. Now, I have caught on to all of this, but I still try to sympathies to EM. Now, she had gotten into a very bad barefoot, and almost killed a guy who was kissing his own wife. The police did a drug test on her, and it turns out she was on cocaine at the time. The police did a search of her house, and it turns out she had weed, meth, and cocaine in her house. I love in PA in the U.S., and all of this is very illegal.  And, after a few more investigations, it turned out that she had been using G's Bitcoin to buy all of the drugs. There was going to be a trial for custody, until the big event happened. As any reasonable person would, G stopped giving her money and told her he didn't trust her at all. After a full body investigation 2 days later, it turned out EM was pregnant while she was doing all of the drugs. When G told EM that he wasn't going to give her any money, she flipped out. G left to go back to his house. Then, EM decides to do way more crack then normal and drives over to G's house. She then proceeded to pull a switchblade on him and repeatedly shah and staff his chest. The only reason why G survived was because EM then proceeded to have a heart attack, and died in front of G because of overdose. A neighbor saw and called the police. Three cops and an ambulance showed up to see G nearly dead on the ground, and EM dead with a bloody switchblade in her hand. When G went to the hospital, be was diagnosed with 3 broken ribs severe stab wounds, and a broken arm. He broke his arm when he fell back after EM first stabbed him. Luckly, he survived through. EM was confirmed dead because of a heart attack. PK was devastated after hearing the news, and is now in foster care. G and his girlfriend were so grateful when G came out ok. G has to go to physical therapy for a while and was diagnosed with PTSD.

      It's crazy what people will do in drugs. This impacted me a lot because G I strive to be like him. Don't do drugs.

TLDR: Godfather refuses to give money to druggy, almost gets stabbed to death.

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