Saturday, November 23, 2019

I spent $32,000 of my dead grandmother's money after my mentally ill dad trusted me with it.

I got inspired to post this after seeing how another users mom spent their grandmothers inheritance, which was supposed to be for OP's college, on herself. I have a similar story, but unlike OP I'm not the victim, I'm the piece of shit that spent the money. Here goes.

TL;DR: I spent $32,000 of my dead grandmother's money, which was gained from the sale of her house when she died, on drugs after my mentally ill dad trusted me with it. He chose to give it to me due to not being able to inherit the money himself, as it would effect his disability income from the state. He figured in the long run he would get more out of the disability and didn't want to screw that up, I guess. I spent the whole year high as a kite on opiates, meeting unsavory and interesting people, and ultimately ruined my life after blowing through that money with absolutely nothing to show for it. This post is long and mostly just me rambling and getting all this off my chest finally, so what you just read is about the jist of it, everything below this point is just me drunkenly expanding the story. Proceed at your own risk.

So about 3 or 4 years ago my grandmother died, leaving her house to be sold and the profits to be split between her 5 adult children, which included my father.

Now my father is on disability for life. Bipolar schizophrenic since he was 14 or so. Can't hold down a job, can barely handle life outside of what he makes it, and has permanent nerve damage to his hands because he once slit his wrists so hard it damaged the nerves. Supposedly that happened when my mom left him, idk. Just to paint a clear picture of him for you all.

He's my father, but hasn't had anything to do with raising me that I can remember. My mom and him split when I was two, due to his issues. He's an alright guy, just not father material. We have a relationship, but I don't call him dad.

So one day he shows up at my mom's house, where I was living, with a briefcase with some paperwork in it. Basically his share of the profits from the house, after paying off his mom's debt and all that, was around $32,000. BUT if he accepts this money, he has to put it into his bank account in order to get the check, and disability services, which pays him over $1,000 every month for life will cut him off forever. So, he wants me to have it.

He says I can have it to do with it what I wish, because I'm a good, smart guy and out of all his other kids or nieces or nephews, he trusts me the most. He asks if he ever needs to borrow it, if it would be OK if I gave him some. I look over everything, it's all legit, I think about it, and say ok.

I met with a lawyer, signed some papers, and about a week later I got a check. A week after that the bank cleared the money, and I was rich (well, ghetto rich)

Unfortunately, I was just starting to dabble in opiates at this time. Like a tramadol here, a vicoden there. Like I'd literally only done them like 7 or 8 times, on a night when I had no responsibilities and no work the next day. Once that money cleared, I fucked my life up. Started buying 100 pills at a time, staying in hotels just to be high somewhere other than my room, just dumb shit. I was never sober anymore. I'd buy 100 of the 100 milligram morphine pills at $5 bucks a pop, blow through those in 2 weeks, and buy more.

Occasionally the dude would be out of them or couldn't get them until a certain day, so I'd have to buy other opiate pills from other people. Money was no object and usually I'd wait so long for my main dude I'd start feeling like shit (I later found out that's called withdrawal lol) that's I'd basically throw money at whoever had opiates. I figured if I treated them right and hooked them up with some extra cash, they'd treat me right and make me a priority or hook me up when I needed help. Oh how wrong I was haha. When I started buying vicoden they were anywhere from $3 to $4 each, at the end they were $5 to $6 each.

All the while buying everyone, family, friends, dealers, etc, whatever they wanted because I was just so high and happy I didn't care. I gave a friends boyfriend $1,200 to get his union dues payed so he could go back to work. I bought my family 3 new PS4's (back when they first came out) with a shit load of games, just because why not? I bought them new tvs, paid for a vacation we went on, sometimes I'd literally just hand my stepdad $100, "just cause". Bought a shady ass dealer a new tire when his popped on the way to me. Bought one connect a phone so I could reach him if I had to, which he sold lol. Bought a car from one dealer sorta as a favor, because I did need a car, but I paid WAY more than it was worth, and it hadn't been registered in like 10 years and I'd have to pay all that. I drove it until it got towed. I just didn't want to deal with it. I was obviously an idiot, but I didn't care. As long as I had opiates who cared about money?

Blew through more than $30,000 that year getting high on pills, making really dumb decisions, including which friends I made, and trying to make everyone around me as happy as the pills made me feel. When the money was gone, I switched to heroin because my tolerance was so high I couldn't afford my habit anymore, and spiraled hard, but that's another story.

Occasionally during that year, my dad would hit me up for a couple hundred every so often, which I gladly gave him. He assumed I was saving it all. As soon as the money was gone, I stopped answering his calls.

There is a lot more I could go on about after the money was gone with my newfound addiction, but that's getting outside of the scope of this post I think. It's been years since all that, and my dad and I have talked a lot since then, but he never asks about the money. He doesn't have to. He knows at one point I was living in a tent by a freeway. He knows it's gone.

Sorry dad. I doubt you'll ever see this, but that's what happened to the money you trusted me with because I was "the best person you knew." I honestly wish I was smarter with that money. Who knows where I'd be now. Bitcoin was still shooting up with no end in sight, legal weed shops were just becoming a thing, could have bought a cheap property in Utah or somewhere and rented it out. Fuck lol. I don't really believe in having regrets but damn I wish I had spent that small fortune smarter.

That felt great to get off my chest. I've never told anyone that story. My family and friends know the chain of events that took place, but not the story behind it. Thank You All If You Made It This Far :)

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