Saturday, January 4, 2020

Reposting - Upcoming Meetup for folks in Atlanta :)


Hey guys!

I’ve scheduled this event in hopes we can do something “different” together.

GA Tech vs Virginia Tech Basketball

Now onto the logistics of actually sitting together

I think the most straightforward way would be if one person gets all the tickets. I will just nominate myself unless someone else would like to handle it :)

I was thinking of getting seats in section 104 for the price of $58 ($50 ticket price + $8 fee). I hope that works for all of you!

You can send the money to my Venmo @ Paul-Beresuita and add your name(s).

Don’t worry, I won’t be using it to buy Bitcoin….well 🤔

I plan to make the purchase sometime at the end of next week.

Please let me know if I have missed anything, I would be happy to answer in the comments section.

Here's the Meetup event details


I plan to buy the tickets in the next few days so send your money to my Venmo to reserve your seats. Thank You!

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