Sunday, March 22, 2020

I'm in doubt

Quick background:

I'm into bitcoin since 2015 or so. Got really into it in 2017 and took all my profit in december 2017. Bought myself a car and now am back in since january 2019.

But now i don't really know what to do.

Should i hold? should I take profit now i still have some.

I really lost trust in the world economy and all the corrupt en controlling systems. That's why I believe bitcoin is worth having since it was made for this. In the crisis of 2008 someone made up bitcoin to have an alternative to the regular system. Now with the oil and corona crisis i think bitcoin is mature enough to be a real alternative and safe haven. These are the 'told you so' moments for the bitcoin believers as they see people struggling under the recent events. The global economy is starting to fall apart, it just couldn't go on like this.

On the other hand, what real value does bitcoin have. I can't buy a bread with it. And even if i could, i have a hard time letting my precious bitcoins go because they could be worth more tomorrow. Or not?
I have also concerns about the whales. We think bitcoin is some sort of predictable but if some whales transfer big amounts of bitcoin, it has a big effect on the price. About a 1000 people own 40% of all bitcoin... . I don't want to depend on something so fragile. I also read an article about a huge untouched wallet. Maybe the private key is lost, maybe it's a guy in prison... we don't know. All this really scares me.

I'm in constant doubt if i should trust in bitcoin or not. The idea behind it is amazing. F the system, power to the people. On the other hand it is just so fragile due to the people with a lot of power within the bitcoin scene.

Do you guys also have doubts or are you 100% pro. Guess no one in this corner of the internet will be 100% against... Thats also something that bothers me. If you are in doubt about the whole bitcoin thing, you can start reading articles. But this does not help at all because they are often writen by pro or con bitcoin people. You just read the articles you want to believe.

Just wanted to get my thoughts out. I would like to see what you guys think about this.

ps: sorry for bad english

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