Thursday, February 18, 2021

If the only things I want to store on it are blockchains, is there any harm in getting the cheapest (within reason) hard drive I can find?

The other day I officially ran out of space on my total of 10TBs (Though only 5TB is really usable for redundancy reasons). The main space hog on my desktop is blockchains for crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc. I was wondering how bad of an idea it would be to buy an extremely cheap 1TB hard drive just to store blockchains.

My thought process is that I don’t need anything particularly fast, as I’d be limited by my network connection anyway, and if the hard drive fails, it doesn’t really matter, so I don’t need redundancy or reliability. I wouldn’t be losing anything that can’t be easily redownloaded in the event of a drive failure.

However, my concern is that I’ll end up paying more if the hard drive fails within a few months.

My question is, would it make financial sense to buy an extremely cheap HDD in this situation, or is it still worth investing the extra money in the short term to prevent replacements in the long term?

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