Thursday, March 25, 2021

A few suggestion about the bitcoin issue that I haven't seen being mentioned anywhere:

Right now most of the in-game economy revolves around the bitcoin and bitcoin farming, in case you are newto the game or just didn't know tarkov's bitcoin price is linked to IRL bitcoin's price and this makes it have a dynamic price, this is a really cool idea and I'm glad they tried to implement it but is clearly not working as expected so I wanted to put a few suggestion here.

  1. Delete the link to IRL price and link it to in-game events: The devs clearly don't want to throw away the dynamic price mechanic and I respect that BUT what if instead of it being linked to an IRL price that BSG can't control it was used as a tool for them to adjust the economy as needed? Imagine a future wipe where there is way too much money coming in for some reason (more players generating money, a new map with unbalanced loot...) BSG could then push and event of something like "Someone has hacked into Terra group's crypto wallet and that has caused the bitcoin and GP coin to crash in price. Effects of the event: Bitcoin will be worth 50k for an unkown time" or imagine they push scarcity too far and need to bring more money into the game because none can even progress they could make an event like "The conflict in the tarkov region has pushed the outside world economy to invest in bitcoin because its easier to trade through the blockade using crypto (idk if that would make sense its just a random example). Effects of the event: Bitcoin price has skyrocketed for a short period of time and its now worth 600k". This would both keep the dynamic price mechanic and give them a way to manipulate the economy of every wipe as needed to avoid something like the current one from ever happening again.
  2. Use bitcoin as special and very rare currency on top of being an item that can be converted to normal money: This one is more crazy and probably a mess to program but I'll suggest it anyway. Since they are planning to make traders be at a physical location inside the maps why not add something like black market outpost that have a random chance of spawning at the start of a raid at different places? I imagne this somehow being linked to Fence since he is the "shady underworld trading network guy", this trader would have a safe area surrounding it where you can't enter if you are in combat and can't perform ANY action while inside (no healing, no shooting, no reloading, no packing mags...), the trader would offer top tier items in exchange of bitcoin and GP coins and after being bought those items would be transfered directly into your stash via somthing like prapor's insurance, also if you buy something you would be able to use the "premium extract service" and extract directly from the trader to avoid people from trader camping. The items sold by this trader would be randomized every time it spawns and it would sell things like top tier armor/ammo, labs cards both entrance and colored kappa items that have the found in raid status and it could even sell items that are currently on a shortage like what happened with the fuel. Maybe even a service to extract your secure container alone in exchange for a few GP or something.

I don't know who is going to read all of this or even take the time to respond but thank you, I hope you have a really nice day/evening/night, and if you are a developer I hope you liked something about any of the 2 ideas I had or that it gave you an idea to adjust the bitcoin.

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