Saturday, March 6, 2021

I think users should be able to unlock their fixed terms. Binance offers this for staking and if you unlock you loose out on the interest. This could potentially allow for even higher rates for those that keep hodling, because some people will eventually loose out on some of the interest.

I am a long term investor. I will keep my coins for a very long time. I don't know when i want to sell, so I will lock and use automatic renewal. If I for some reason would unlock in 15 months I wouldn't care loosing x amount of days of interest, because I might need the money now or want to sell for profit/loss and I already earned years of interest.

It could also be useful to avoid liquidation on LTV. Let's say bitcoin siddenly drops 60% and all my coins are locked - what do i do if i have a loan to the maximum LTV? Unlocking would allow to add additional capital to your credit wallet - if things get's tough like they did in march 2020.

I think locking is a pretty good choice, because i would like to keep the 3 free withdrawals a month and when some people transfer 100$ for free and the gas fees are at 20$ then everybody knows it's not sustainable. Nexo is adjusting their business model - yes, i know it should have been communicated before hand, but we all care for maximum returns and Nexo being profitable. Let's hope the company learns after this event.

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