Friday, March 5, 2021

New player perspective - Will not spend another dime!

Howdy MSF community!

This post is in reference to the disgusting and broken mechanics of MSF that were obviously not addressed in today's blog post.

I have been playing this game for 136 days. If I remember correctly I started around end of October and just barely missed AV and Scream events.

For reference, I have spent between 3-4k so far, thus anywhere between 650 to 900$ a month.

I don't know if this would constitute a dolphin, whale or kraken in Scoplenecks definition so I'll let each and everyone of you decide for yourselves.

My TCP is currently sitting at 2.5M. I have cleared DD1 and DD2. Always sitting on Top5 of Arena, most often rank 1. Clearing u7.2 on auto with AX-Men at around 360k

Furthermore, I want to add, before I start, that despite all the quarrels I have with the game I've had a good time with the community, and in particular, watching Remanx fall from his chair live, or watch him twerk, as well as watching Mobile Gamer say trash all day long and obviously our dearly beloved community manager WHYP.

As the tittle references, I will be sharing a detailed and objective perspective of what new players experience, which is often forgotten since a lot of games are balanced for endgame/competitive.

1) Red Stars are TRASH

Red stars are the most disgusting, trash gaming mechanic I've ever encountered in my gaming life, and that's saying a lot.

Focusing on a specific team and completely maxing them is all but unfeasible for both new and older players, which basically goes against the very concept of a card collector game. I am not saying it should be easy to max characters, or should all be completed in one week, but rather that even if you throw infinite money at it you still won't get your whole team 7rs, period.

Also, while Scopely inherited the mechanic from Foxnext and were not part of its creation, they sure do milk the hell out of it.

Just 2 days ago I bought the 50$ +25$ packs, for a whopping total of 150$ and could not even get Moonknight to 4 RS. Come to think of it, and it's a little bit of a blurr, I might not have had a SINGLE 4RS (except those that later came from Elite 4s) - Great Stuff - Nothing to worry though, a new player can enjoy this and still have another 159 characters to work on. Sounds fun right?

How do you fix it?

Increase supply and eliminate 1,2,3 red stars, they are completely useless either way and redistribute probabilities. See? Easy.

2) Character Acquisition through Blitz is TRASH

New player? Want new characters? Buy them or gtfo! This should be Scoplenecks new slogan just to weed out non paying peasants!

How is a new player to ever get a character released through built at any decent level? Never

No breakdown of TCP, or time played. No relevance on any specific strategy, knowledge, competence, time devoted, nope! Bigger TCP always wins and therefore always remains at higher TCP since we peasants don't get to reach those ephemeral heights even if we spend paycheck after paycheck.

F2p? Good luck if you didn't start 3 years ago. Get rkt commander!

How to fix it?

Introduce player shards. See? Easy.

3) T4s are as scarce as water in the Sahara

160 characters to level up and T4? Challenge Accepted!!

Scopely: "Sure you can try but we will keep introducing and reworking new and better characters at such a speed that even the mightiest of krakens will get disoriented and throw all their cash at us in their futile attempts, and unbeknownst to them, as they closer to their goal we shall release the new and improved T5s so you can now do it another 160 times!!!! Get rkt commanders!!!"

Me: Pepe hands

How to fix?

Increase supply through Raids, Challenges, Battlepass, etc. See? Easy.

4) Bugs and no QA team is TRASH

Seriously guys. How long has the Thor special bug been around?

See most of you more veteran players notice way less or bothers you way less since you don't use Thor day in and day out, but if you were not aware, Wave1 avengers has been the best early game team now for quite a while except if you go all out and buy symbiotes or more recently the AX-men.

Even then, wave1 punches across symbiotes and perhaps even AX-men in arena.

Every single new player in this game receives a 3 star Thor and you better believe they use it daily in arena, blitz, raid, you name it. I have lost the count, and have had to manually do everything related to Asguardians and Wave1 to avoid the bug.

Freeze, after freeze, after freeze. And what does Scoplenecks do? Nothing until just recently when we squeezed the hell out of them, and all of a sudden, wow magic they seem to have found the problem. Thor is worthy of his hammer after all and can catch it back

When the paying big boys complained enough about it then and ONLY then they go ahead and fix it. Get rkt f2p commanders. But you better believe if this was benefiting the players it would be fixed before you could login and take advantage of it!

How to fix?

Spare a little change from your mega millions, get an actual QA team to test instead of using us as master beta testers! See? Easy

5) G13 gear scarcity is TRASH

Recently there was an infographic released by Eboooombe and Vrondius that shows how trash and useless G13 is versus its counterparts G12 and G14.

Its relative power increase is so negligible that it's better to remain at G12 or straight jump to G14.

This would make sense if G13 was the Best in Store gear in the game, but not only is there G14 but G15 as well, yet, G13 is more scarce than the other 2 combined!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry guys, Scoplenecks is on it and have compiled for us exclusive packs of 10 uniques for 14.99$ so you only need 2 and half of those per character plus the same packs of gear pieces like Superior Isochronal Compound which you need 15 per gear piece yet can only farm it in 1 campaign node (if you unlocked it).

Oof, sure glad Scoplenecks on it!

How to fix?

Gear is outdated, useless, serves only as a Scopleneck between higher gear tiers so just increase the supply as you wish such as adding pieces to existing campaign nodes, or adding gear lines in reward stores, add it to daily milestones. Hell you could give them free it would not break anything. See? Easy.

6) Character availability is Trash

I have really not found any game that at the SAME TIME has anything like 10+ characters completely unobtainable except by 30$ pack offers.

I can't count them all in my head but Red Guardian, Elena, Kitty, Bishop, Iceman, Beast, Dadbros, Cull, Yo-yo, AV, Scream, SSM, Emma, Agent Coulson, She-Hulk and soon enough MK and WT. Wow that's 18!

Also let's not forget the good ones in raid/war stores, which you receive so little tokens, and are filled with useless minions.

Even SWGOH doesn't do this.

How do fix?

SWGOH has nodes with 2 characters that's an option. Create more/new campaign nodes. Add more lines in blitz/raid store and remove minions from there. Create a new trash currency you get daily from daily challenges and quests to farm trash minions. See? Easy.

7) Mishmash of Scoplenecks

Let's just pause for a little bit.

Although I have not covered every bottleneck, and I obviously can't speak for every other end game player, I feel like if these points above were completely resolved we wouldn't really be upset with:

-Gold shortage

Is it annoying? Sure but we can manage by not leveling Nebula and focusing resources on the good teams and the characters we like

-Training mats shortage

They addressed this today (which is great) but no mention of gold and therefore fixing this one will simply cause more gold shortage frustration, but as I said above, assuming all other things are fixed we could live with these AMAZINGLY


Sure RTA is a little annoying, it's more like Real Time Auto and if you have the worst matchup quitting is useless cause then you can't queue back up. That being said, again, we know this will be improved and if we could go wider on rosters by fixing the 1st 5 aforementioned points we could manage and it would be nothing more than a chore.

-Sling shotting

This one annoys me a little bit, specially that I'm at the top of Arena, but again today they mentioned they are going to fix it, and then again, if this was the worst part about the game I'd be very happy.


F2p players can't progress, can't cope with character releases, can't really collect characters in a card collection game...

Hell, even the mightiest of krakens on Youtube and Twitch can't get their characters to 6-7RS

Therefore, and effective immediately, I will not be spending another dime on this game until the community's concerns are addressed.

If nothing, I rather gamble my money on Bitcoin than give it away to greedy disgusting predatory companies feeding off of the community's love for one another and the Marvel Universe.

I invite you to do the same, but if you enjoy the game, I hope you can continue to enjoy it!

P.S: There might be some typos, it's late. Also the term "Scoplenecks" is not my own and was, to the best of my knowledge, created by Mobile Gamer.

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