Monday, March 1, 2021

Queens Gambit - The Endgame or why today 3/1/2021 is MOASS

Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.

So first of all i apologise for a lack of detail here, if people are interested I will go back and find all the things I remember and reference them. We have always imagined there are good guys and bad guys, we are course are the good guys but the bad guys have all the brains and the money.

Pixel has been talking about an Unknown Institution riding to our aid, and i think he is right. But i don't think that thinking about it as and calling it UI is helpful.

I prefer to think as it as Beth Harmon from Queens Gambit riding to our aid, the a utist's a utist, someone who has an intrinsic knowledge of how the game works and can instinctively anticipate what her opponent is going to do, ooh and also has 1/2 a billion dollars to play with.

Now Beth in reality may well be a sweaty guy in his 40s with a comb over, and of course Queens Gambit is an opening and we are moving to the endgame, but lets have some poetry it helps.

Beth is working for someone of course, probably Elon and RC or maybe Goldman it doesn't really matter who, they want to squeeze so they are our friends.

Beth started this plan about 3 weeks ago, she put the money in place and let the share price drop down to the base, about 50. Meanwhile RC got rid of the CFO, i think the tweet of the ice cream/frog was the signal because that was when it all kicked off.

Beth doesn't mess around, there is no room for chance in Chess. She fought hard at 50 on Wednesday but knew that the other side, Citidelvin doesn't have much left. Also unlike in Queens Gambit she has the Russian Chess masters on her side, they have gamed this to death.

She pushes the price up to nearly 100, this then triggers lots of options to come near ITM and MMs to have to go shopping.

The price zooms up, so far so conventional, but then Beth sells down back to 100 on Thursday and Friday also triggering SSP with a deliberate 10% drop particularly on Friday. In she ends at 100.24 just putting 100 dollar options ITM. She isn't shorting she is selling real shares, no one can short down on Friday that is what everyone hasn't noticed but Beth can she is holding (well selling but has shares not shorts).

Why 100 dollars, well Beth owns most of the 100 dollar options already, but other people own 101 up.

This gives her alot more shares, at 100 dollars, paying back the cost of everything so far.

Then Beth buys 2 million share options at $250 for Friday 5th March.

Again not so unconventional but now we are at today Monday. First of all very early in the day there will be a10% drop to trigger SSP.

Then we go directly to $250, now a normal person would wait until Friday to trigger but Beth won't she triggers straight away.

Why, Money Makers delta hedge, they will have bought maybe 100,000 worth of shares to cover to 250 options because it isn't going to happen, right. But now they are maybe 1.9 million short, they have two days to find them.

EDIT: Getting alot of negative for lack of info, so moving this extra bit here

I have so many facts, but if only 10 people read the post i am not spending all day putting it together. Just wanted to publish so i had it off my chest.

The core thing though that no one had considered is why did the price on Friday finish at exactly $100, well actually 100.24 and where could the push back on the price rise come from.

If the shares were on SSP which i think they were, Citidelvin couldn't short down the price and who in their right mind would sell shares that are as rare as hen's teeth.

Particularly someone who is smart and rich enough to triple the GME price over a 8 hour period. That is someone who is patient and doesn't make mistakes.

I am assuming very much that this is true

We have identified an unusual $GME block that expires on March 5, 2021 with a strike price of $250.00. 2,000 CALL contracts with a price of $12.00 were purchased at a $2,400,000 premium.

Beth, (we will call the Whale that) bought that call, and a load at $100 last week (but that would require someone to do some research). The working theory i can't remember where is that the hedgies bought alot of the options last week from 101-150. Remember Beth is draining the HFs, this is a war of attrition, we are in very long mid to endgame transition here. (

She doesn't want to let them off the hook she is very cruel Kasparov style it is not just about winning it is not just about winning she want them to feel real pain (that is why i think Elon is behind this).

She will push hard to $250 today, after the 10% early drop which she will cause (to trigger SSP for tomorrow).

The MMs need to find nearly 2 million shares in two days because she will trigger the options straight away. That is 2 million shares that they have to buy in a market with no sellers. Delta hedging means that that they only hold an amount proportional to the risk of the event happening, plus they normally get some warning, i.e. the new numbers are approached gradually.

I think WSB users own all the free shares and they aren't selling until 1000 at least. So that gets us to $800 by Friday and that lets lose hells delight because lots of options are stacked there which aren't hedged by the Market Makers, because who ever heard of a stock going up 800% in two days!

Citedelvin are pwned, All your Bases belong to us ( Currently they are buying bottled water and T-bills, well actually Bitcoin and flights to countries with no extradition agreement with the US. There won't be any push back from them today. They can't anyhow because of SSP.

She probably holds enough shares to control the stock up or down she showed that on Friday. I hope/imagine it goes like a hot knife through butter.

Anyhow we will know in a day or two or i am an idiot, and if it doesn't happen no worries we are holding shares in the most shorted stock of the last 20 years with a great management team.

What do i know anyhow, i am an idiot ape and this is my first post on Reddit so double idiot

I am either Nostradamus or an idiot ape, or Nostradamus was an idiot ape, and we will know if i am right in 12 hours or so.

But maybe tomorrow we while look out the window and see the snow.

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