Friday, March 12, 2021

Theory of Bitcoin - Bitcoin Class 2

I barely made it through this episode. Deep confusion from RXC and XHL and a lot of unpleasant sniffing, throat-clearing and mmm-hmmm-ing. Coingeek gives this episode a positive review, classifying the confusion engendered by the show as a feature rather than as a bug.

I have set out below a transcript of one of CSW's contributions (at 16m 12s) which I felt beautifully exemplified CSW's entire shtik: the disquieting question; the credentials boast; the utterly incoherent technobabble:

"Now, I don't know if either of you have done any electronics but my first sort of lot of training was. If you think about the operations on a computer at a low level, it's just basically zeros and ones, XOR, etc. So, the way that machines worked was taking binary operations and converting it into something else. That's the base level that we can do. So we can take the very base level and, depending on whether we get a zero or a one, we get a conditional. Whether we get a longer string, we get a conditional."

I think CSW believes that the smallest addressable unit of memory in a modern computer is the bit.

I felt that XHL's interventions were valuable, and completely wasted. I feel sorry for him that he is involved in this series.

I watch these so you don't have to, but ngl it's getting difficult.

EDIT: Thank you for the high quality comments. I fear that RXC has already passed over the event horizon of the super massive black hole that is CSW, but I think that it's not too late to save XHL's credibility. I hope XHL sees the light and stops showing up.

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