Thursday, April 8, 2021

NWO currency prediction

On January 9 1988, The Economist magazine published an article proclaiming to “Get ready for a world currency”. It described a hypothetical world currency called ‘phoenix’, that would enter the scene in 2018. Many in the crypto space speculated this to be a coincidental foreshadowing of Bitcoin.

For those who have seen too many odd predictions becoming reality, I would point you to look at who owns and publishes The Economist.

Knowing that the elite love to divulge their plans using symbolism and subliminal messaging, I dived into the list of cryptocurrencies to see if I could find this ‘phoenix’.

I am under the assumption that the crypto would have released in 2018 and it would be using the symbol we see on the center of the coin on the magazine cover. Some may recognize this as a zero, others may recognize it as Saturn (I won’t go into that here).

Scouring the list I found XLM, ICX and OGN using some variation of a circle with a diagonal slash. (I did not look at every coin, there are too many). ICX was the only one that released in 2018.

The official launch of the ICX blockchain occurred in January 2018.

So we have a symbol and a date. From there I decided to do searches on the terms we had at hand: ICX, Icon and phoenix.

This definition of icon drew my attention: “a conventional religious image typically painted on a small wooden panel and used in the devotions of Eastern Christians”

Then, some search variation of ICX and Eastern Christians turned up this:

“The hand gesture is exaggerated because Jesus is making the symbol of four letters: I, C, and X”

So apparently, ICXC is an abbreviation for the Greek spelling of Jesus used in Eastern Orthodox iconography. It is also a hand gesture used by Jesus in many depictions.

The next step was to see if the phoenix had any ties to Jesus or Christianity. Turns out, it does.

The phoenix symbolized rebirth, Jesus was reborn yada yada.

Going back to the magazine cover, the number 10 was featured prominently. What about ten can we find in ICX? Well, this is where I pulled out the old conspiracy theory classics: numerology and gematria. It'll be brief.

I immediately saw that ICX could be Roman numerals. Plug it in to a converter, got nothing. However, CIX comes out to 109 and XCI comes out to 91, which both add up to 10. Most interestingly, phoenix plugged into simple gematria comes out to 91 as well.

Now for some random information I didn't know how to segue into:

-The ICX blockchain has a token called Icon Asset Management with 10 mil supply, or IAM for short. ‘I AM’ is another biblical reference.

-Eastern Orthodoxy is the 2nd largest branch of Christianity after the Catholic church. In an event called the East-West Schism in 1054, Eastern Orthodoxy split from Roman Catholicism. Eastern Orthodoxy is most prominent in Russia, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

-Emperor Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia, prominent in the Orthodox church, and died near the end of WW1 in what the church has called “a ritual sacrifice”. Famously, this event is mentioned in the Rolling Stones ‘Sympathy for the Devil’.

-A double headed eagle features prominently on the Russian Empire Coat of Arms. Could this be a phoenix?

-The Roman Catholic Church is a beloved institution and they, along with the Jesuits, have brought nothing but peace and love to this world. They most certainly did not assassinate anybody or instigate any war.

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