Friday, April 2, 2021

This is normal.

Hey everyone, been a while since my last post here. Just wanted to say that price drops in a parabolic curve are completely normal.

These are no whales, no manipulations and no unexpected events. These are a lot of people that made huge gains in a short time. Of course some take profit and when the buyers can't keep the momentum and sell pressure, it is going down.

Stop-loss orders are getting triggered, double down trends activate the bearish signals, this repeats for a while until the ground is set.

Where is the ground? Is this a dip? No-one knows. If someone tells you he knows what's going to happen, he shills and lies.

Should you sell, hold, buy? Depends when you bought and what your goals are. Generally I sell 50-70% of a smallcap that makes 100%+ and let the rest ride or make a 300%+ sellorder and let the gains float into a top10 coin that also was top 10 2018/19.

If you are a new investor, hold. If you are too emotionally attached, you invested too much. Buy some Bitcoin and ETH, make these your main investments in the long run.

Don't be too greedy and don't be too scared, hold until you have gains and even if it takes years. I recently sold MED with a nice gain and I bought that sh** 2017, look up the chart of that, lmao.

Best of luck to all if you, this is a solid coin and will have good value, even though it might drop a bit.

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