Sunday, May 30, 2021


It's been 9 days since I heard about this new crypto called STOPELON. I have closely followed this currency to understand if they are really serious about this coin or it is just another coin in this crypto coin boom.

Day 1 : Heard about this coin on multiple media channels. Tried to search what was it all about and landed on several other Popular websites who have written articles about this project. One of the major name was Yahoo Finance among those articles.

Day 2: I had forgot this coin and just was looking for upcoming projects which had some purpose and use case. Just like the first day, I came across more media article talking about this new coin STOPELON. It made me curious about it. What was so special about it other than having the name Elon in it? Most of those articles had mentioned that the crypto was started by the haters of Elon Musk who were affected by his tweets and other statement on Bitcoin. I wanted to know more about this project so joined their Telegram channel which goes by the name "STOPELON OFFICIAL".

Day 3: I was silently reading their admins and moderators talking with the new members. I would say wash one of them is passionate about this project. What makes it more special is almost all of them were initially just buyers of this coin when it was launched and were later asked by devs to help them handle the community.

So this is what I understand about their vision. MUSK is just a name, a symbol of those influential people or nations who get accused of manipulating the crypto markets. We have an example of China as a nation who is repeatedly accused of manipulating the crypto prices with their anouncement. They also plan to buy a big portion Tesla shares as their ultimate goal to have a say in decision making process and make Musk realise that his deeds are not going to be ignored everytime. Yes it seems like an impossible, however, did we not witnessed another impossible event which we all know from the name GAMESTOP??

Day4: I started listening to their voice chats with the investors of this coin. I am not making it up but they are super friendly and respectfully respond even to the craziest question coming their way. Heard their audio chats for hours where some of their core team members who are from their community itself keep explaining to everyone what's their vision with this project. Coincidentally, that very same day, there was an AMA organised in the audio chat with the developer and other core team members. The community fired some really sharp questions towards them related to this project. Whether it was about the possibility of a RUG PULL , their claims of BUYING TESLA SHARES, Doxing the dev and other technical questions related to the project. I would the say the responses were pretty comforting and did build more trust in the community which was visible in the telegram group chat after that AMA. (They do have that AMA recording link available in the Telegram group). I started to get an idea whether I was going to invest in that project.

Day5: It happened. I made my first purchase.

Since then everyday I feel more associated to the project as a community member. These guys do take suggestions from community everyday. It's not easy to handle an active Telegram group of 15k+ and an overall community of 21k+ HODLERS. These guys have done that work amazingly. They even almost touched 100m Market cap on their first week.

This past Saturday another AMA was organised with this well respected Telegram community CRYPTO EAGLES and many people got their questions answered.

Did I mention here that they are still being covered in the TV and Digital Media all over the world?

This week they would be possibly announcing a listing on either CoinGecko or CMC.

NEXT, they are planning to organize a protest outside Tesla in Fremont, California, USA on 6th June and are expecting a good coverage from media.

If I summarise my views about this project then I would say that, this project has a great potential due to its uniqueness. Already a great media coverage has blessed it in its early stage and any next event would act as catalyst for its growth. Right now, what I have noticed many people find it difficult to buy this currency as it is not listed yet in any exchange.

What I know so far, they are already in talks with some exchanges and a couple of exchanges have also reached out to them voluntarily.

Any listing would open the flood gates of a big pool of investors and would blow up this project.

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