Monday, June 28, 2021

Jack Dorsey/Elon Musk Conference - The Next Narrative that Might propel the bull market forward

Hey guys, most of you might already know this but if you don’t. Elon and jack dorsey are going to be speaking at a conference on July 21st and a lot of other very influential people will be attending the event as well. They will most likely be speaking about Elon’s concerns of bitcoin mainly the environmental aspect. But, there are many great minds that very well could dispel all of these claims and get Elon back on bitcoin. I know a lot of you guys say “who cares what Elon says” I completely agree with you guys. But one thing you have to understand is that the bitcoin bullrun relies on a lot of human psychology. A lot of idiots will buy and sell an asset just because a billion likes or doesn’t like it. You won’t be able to stop it from happening. So my point is that if Elon gets back on bitcoin then a lot of retail might get back on as well and help spark the next leg of this bullrun. Maybe this conference will have leave Elon with a worse idea of bitcoin than when he started. Idk what gonna happen, but their engagement on twitter seemed very coordinated. Good luck and hodl strong.

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