Monday, June 28, 2021

What Would Bring Me Back This Update

I'm a little burnt out on Tarkov after playing the last 4 wipes (this isn't any hate on the game, I played a LOT, got to level 40 each time).

But I can't bring myself to do the same monotonous tasks once again... I do like that they designed the gameplay so that you don't HAVE to do quests (at least more than a few) and you can still just go for flea market and focus on money, but you'll never get a bitcoin farm soo..

But what would bring me back, aside from just fixing the netcode so I'm not dying a full second after taking cover or abusing a full second of peakers advantage...

  1. Dynamic Events - one that comes to mind is a Rust style airdrop. A plane flies overhead, drops a box with a parachute. Contains a healthy amount of loot, maybe some good meds and ammo and armor, you want people to fight over this. I want these events to happen maybe two or three times a raid (not just the airdrop one, other options too). Basically I want a reason to spend more than 5 minutes in a raid looting up and leaving because after 5 minutes I have all the loot I need, which brings me to #2:
  2. Dynamic Loot Distribution: In the current state of Tarkov, the money making meta is like this, using Interchange as an example: Spawn in, hope for closest spawn to the high value loot point (techlight). Rush towards techlight or turn power on on your way there, hit rasmussen, techo (right next to each other), hit ultra if power is on, leave. Less than 10 minutes. A few players might opt out of this and try to kill killa or loot scraps around the store but this is the fastest way to make ridiculous amounts of money. The goal of dynamic loot would be to change the meta to: Spawn in, wherever you spawn, get to a safe position. Once you feel safe, start exploring the map, based on what type of loot you want. Loot has a small chance of being basically anywhere now, so the meta will be to explore as much of the map as you can without dying. People can be ANYWHERE because people are just exploring for potential loot, fights can happen at any point. You are encouraged to stay late in the raid so that you can adequately explore for loot, knowing there's still a chance you can find a LEDX late raid because nobody knows where it spawned. Dynamic loot should automatically adjust the frequency of loot spawn points based on how often those spawn points are looted, so that the areas that are least often checked (like locked rooms now) start spawning better loot, and as the meta adjusts, the loot distribution will always ensure that the meta strategy is actually the worst strategy because it will be the most often checked.
  3. VOIP: For those who don't know, the ability to speak to other players within a certain proximity, realistically. This would have to be able to be turned off, for folks who prefer the quietness. I think Tarkov is the PERFECT game for VOIP, because of how intimate and personal the fights are. They are stressful, nobody wants to die. If we have VOIP we are pretty likely to work out a mutually beneficial scenario. Chads can still choose to just attack you, and it wouldn't be fun if some people didn't. Others will lie and then betray you for fun, but of course it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a risk... People will team up even though they didn't enter the raid together. You will be sneaking around and hear people talking to each other, or making callouts on your position, that is new gameplay. I can imagine it being used to screetch and slur, but BSG has a few somewhat effective options (it will never not be a risk) but personally as long as it's not every raid I think it will be kind of amusing to hear a kid screech the N word after I shoot at him.
  4. Streets of Tarkov, nuff said.

What won't bring me back? More quests and streamer items and crafts and guns and ammo types and such... There's plenty already IMO.

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