Thursday, June 3, 2021

Revolution Populi-JPM Connected Hidden Gem

Revolution Populi (RVP) - Returning digital sovereignty back to the people.

Summary: A crypto currency gem with ~30m mcap. Strong, ambitious, and profitable use cases, with a strong, experienced, and well connected team(arguably the best team you could find with this market cap). My own expectation is a 50x in a year, and if it succeeds, much more after that. If you DYOR, I guarantee that you will invest. The more you research, the more bullish you will be. If you do, you’ll understand how lucky you are to find it now, before the marketing begins.

The coin is built on a layer 1 blockchain, with three main functions: The three legged stool is 1) a decentralized blockchain unowned by anyone, and not controlled by any entity. 2) The social net SDK will be packaged up social net components offered up open source & compatible with the blockchain so that any developer can develop social nets and users own their data so there can be open competition for user’s content. The third leg of the stool is a company owned & run commercial app (the profit center for RevPop company / business, everything else has been pretty much bequeathed to the people -- we need to make a living / have careers on the forward) that sits on top of the blockchain which is a clearing house which we hope will bring more stabilizing infrastructure for more institutions to be comfortable getting into the crypto markets. The likelihood is the more liquid the crypto market is, the more decentralized innovation there can be. The value of two seemingly orthogonal legs is that as proofs of concept they couldn’t be more different. This will help demonstrate the universality of the blockchain. This is the plan in any event. It’s a revolution because it helps decentralize ownership of data; & separately banks & financial institutions bringing more liquidity to the crypto markets ultimately is good for the projects & innovation that can happen in the decentralized blockchain space. The team has heritage in financial services & so is looking for this project to be a bridge. As Lincoln said, “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"

To understand how massive and legit this is, read the following articles:

After you read, watch the following videos:

The team members talking about the project:

An interview with CEO by Yahoo Finance:

Now, look at this all star team:

They have all the experience and connections required to make this project a success.

Other notes on how bullish this is: An article about JP Morgan looking for a crypto clearing house, and it mentions RVP CEO:

If you were paying attention, you will see that Gary Chan is a Managing Director at JP Morgan - directly under the CEO, and he’s responsible for clearing and blocking in JP Morgan. Also, he’s the clearing house advisor for RVP! He is still working at JP Morgan, while working with RVP. You think JPM will allow him to work with another company without having an interest in it? It can’t get any clearer than this.

The RVP blockchain also enables music, movie, and video streaming. They have an insane amount of potential. Go read through months of their Twitter, and you shall be amazed.

Quick notes, since it will be asked: The market cap is low because the team didn’t take any VCs. This enables the blockchain to be decentralized, neutral, and fulfills the aim of giving the people the power. In addition, they won’t start marketing until the mainnet is almost ready. This is unlike any other project the continues marketing before any meaningful tech progress. The minimum expected date for the mainnet is Q4 this year. Their response to why they are using this approach:

RVP is currently an ERC-20 token, but will be converted to its native blockchain when its ready.

For more information, check all the following links:










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