Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Suggestions on how to improve our company, AMC?

AMC is now 80% owned by retail investors, in a way we truly own this company.

The short-squeeze opportunity is great but can we discuss strategies and ideas on how to improve the company moving forward.

Gamestop is refocusing on E-commerce and getting involved with Ethereum smart-contracts. Lets discuss ways AMC can improve as well!

AMC as a business model is built on experiences and exclusivity. I love streaming services, but there is some special about seeing a Marvel blockbuster and getting that crowd reaction to big events. I don't think streaming will replace the movie-going experience if AMC continues to deliver on the movie going experience. AMC is the largest theater chain in America.

My suggestions:

  • 1.) Joint restaurant/theater option? AMC can use outdoor seating in front on their theater chains as a joint restaurant serving food. A large portion of theater chains profits come from the actual snacks and drinks people buy. Why not expand on this to make AMC the place to go watch a movie AND get something to eat.

  • 2.) Video Games. The gaming industry is one of the fastest growing industries in entertainment. Not only that, but the lines between AAA games and blockbuster films are getting blurred. Games are becoming more cinematic in their own right, with similar budgets to Hollywood.

Lets revamp AMC's gaming arcades, offer not only competitive classic games, but AAA games with internet access. AMC theaters could host local esports events or streaming.

Exclusivity model. The same way that films are only available in theaters for set a period of time prior to being on streaming,we can apply this concept to big blockbuster games. AMC could sign an Exclusivity contract deal to have some games being exclusive to AMC a week before their actual release date.

  • 3.) Cryptocurrency? Big risk/reward when it comes to crypto. But AMC arcades could accept cryptos. AMC could even launch their own token. An AMC cryto ICO would generate excitement and revenue. AMC could even set a % of it's financial balance sheet into bitcoin and let it appreciate it in value to offset the debt the company currently has.

TLDR; Please throw out your ideas and suggestions and criticisms on how AMC can innovate moving forward as a company.

EDIT: I want to spotlight u/Frosty-Growth4704 idea of having Electric vehicle chargers in AMC parking lots.

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