Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Most Profit Is In...

If you didn't already know, Rollercoin's mining works like this: the lower the network power, the higher you reward is. The network power is everyone on Rollercoin mining whatever coin they want. If everyone mines, for instance, doge, the network power will rise for it and the power for the other coins will lower. Every individual person will get a lower reward. It's like you have 10 pieces of candy and if 5 people want one, each person gets 2. But let's say 10 people want one, so you can only distribute one to each. Basically, if you look on the site right now, bitcoin and rollertoken have skyrocketed in their network power ever since the "million user event", while doge and ethereum are at their lowest. Statistically, those two are the best coins to mine at the moment although other factors say they aren't. My best advice is play your cards right and you'll make a good profit!

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