Sunday, August 15, 2021

Controversial News: The upcoming Dollhouse stream is being sponsored by crypto currency trading platform ‘Coinbase’.

”Personal statement: this is a collective of the events based around the news that the dollhouse stream is being sponsored by Coinbase. This is a very abridged version. Any further investigation is best acted on personally. I do not mean to stir things up by sharing this but I still felt as if it needed to be shared. I’ll remain as objective as possible.”

This news has since made a small rise in the community since it is not only an outside sponsor but also an acting body involved in crypto currency. Mainly the purchasing and selling of said currency with Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum being the main trades.

The world of crypto currency is still a relatively new one and has already gained a huge position in the economy as a giant unregulated money maker, although it has also been a large participant of controversies, the main one in this situation being how many scams are revolving themselves around the crypto currency world. An infamous one being many “start-up” companies that have stolen millions off of seemingly innocent investors donating to their new crypto company. After going public to any investors, these companies would just pocket the money then vanish. In some cases these companies have sponsored influencers to promote their product, whether these influencers were aware of the malicious intentions is a case by case basis but more commonly they weren’t in the know. Although, the damage had already been done and reputations as well as careers were damaged by proxy.

As of the date of posting this, Coinbase has not been involved with any known controversy and continues to operate as a crypto currency trading service.

As for how this affects jerma: Some members of the community have opted to not watch the dollhouse stream because they’re being sponsored by a company associated with crypto, others seeninly refuse to watch because the stream is being sponsored at all.

While this is likely a small number of the community due to how Jerma’s audience is split based on how they interact with the community be it the discord, subreddit or any Twitter page associated with jerma. However the news was still cause for concern to this vocal part of the community.

”Personal statement to wrap this up: I have no problem with sponsorship as long as the company + product are decent and relevant and it doesn’t effect the content, e.g: the sponsor wanting some level of control of the content to promote themselves further WITHIN the content. The most I’m okay with is a message prior to, during or after a video saying “this video is sponsored by X” with an ad. Anything more than a separated segment, I have an issue with.

I can however, understand why the community takes issue with sponsorship since jerma hasn’t actively been sponsored before, notably not on a large stream. Crypto is still sketchy for those that don’t understand it but jerma seems active in that realm so I hope he’s aware of it in some way.

I like to think jerma would rather throw out a project that compromise with a sponsor. Say if either twitch or this Coinbase wanted jerma and the guests to wear the company’s T-shirt’s and give a shout-out every 10 minutes or control a segment with crypto orientated themes. I’d liked to imagine, if that were a breaking point in whether or not the stream would go ahead in this capacity with a large level of support, jerma would throw this entire project out the window. I’m not saying compromises may have or have not been made but I respect jerma enough to know when to say “No” to a sponsor wanting control.”

I open the floor to discussion.

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