Sunday, August 15, 2021

Safemoon and me (long post)

I first want to thank this sub for the discussion, info, stories, and general sense of a common goal.

In March 2021, my knowledge of crypto was limited to an event in 2011 involving BTC that forever changed my life.

Back then, I kept reading about a crypto currency called bitcoin. I was pretty computer literate for basic stuff and wanted some, but as soon as I got to the wallet part, it was too complicated, so I called my brother. He is the type of guy that once he starts learning about something, he doesn’t stop until he knows everything about it. He was an investor, precious metals. He was also very computer savvy so I knew he was the guy to help.

So I called him. Told him to make me a wallet and buy $1,000 worth of bitcoin. He flat out refused. Told me it’s all fake and will never be worth anything. All good points, so I forget about it. Over the next few years later and BTC is popping off and I always talked about it with people and would always end on “it’s too late now, it’s already X amount of money. It’s too expensive.”

Back to March 2021. Wife comes in, shows me a Tik tok that will change my life. Keep in mind, BTC and doge (which I bought super bowl Sunday on Robinhood) were the only coins I knew about. So when I see this Tik tok clown flashing SafeMoon and how it’s going to be the next BTC, I fell for it.

I became obsessed with not missing my chance again.

I started with a Google search of “how to buy bitcoin” (I thought I could swap it for SafeMoon) landed me with Coinbase as the top hit. Create account. Send $200ish BTC to my newly created trust wallet, try to swap for SafeMoon, and I can’t. Send it back, change it to Ethereum, and repeat the process.

I then found I could only swap BNB for it. That’s easy, I’ll just buy BNB. Nope. I live in NY. I can’t use Binance. I start looking everywhere. Completely neglecting my entire life for 4 straight days in search of a way to get my hands on BNB. I finally find a crypto swapping service, Changelly.

I send them what’s left of my Ethereum (gas fees were still confusing to me) and I finally get my BNB. I swap it for SmartChain. After all is said and done, I wind up with $69 (nice) worth of safemoon after 4 days of obsession.

After a few days, the price starts going up. My $69 turns into $800 rather quickly. Get excited. Buy more. At the ATH, my SafeMoon is worth over $10K and I just stare at it.

Then I started buying other coins. Real coins. Everything is just green. Every day, green candles. Then I decide it’s time to get serious and finally pull the trigger.

I buy X Ethereums.

What happens after that? Not even four hours later, the whole market crashes.

Since then, I’ve learned staking and of many other coins, DCA, FOMO, dabble in day trading (abandoned after 2 days and some lost dollars).

My portfolio is very diversified and whatever can be staked is staked.

I know this is a long story, and I know SafeMoon is turning about to be everything you all said it was going to be but i think it’s important to point out that because of a lot of these shitcoins, people are being introduced to a world they would never have found out about if it.

I was first on the SafeMoon sub mainly until I found out about this place. After interacting with many of you, reading your stories, sifting through the endless piles of information, and reading funny and informative comments, I know now way more than I would have if I had never wondered outside the SafeMoon bubble.

I’m glad I did. Thank you, r/cryptocurrency members. For real. Thank you.

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