Thursday, August 19, 2021

The direction of the game and my issues with it

A bit of information about myself:

I have 3700 hours overall, I would identify as a chad, and running around and shooting ppl is fun what good is 100 mil gonna do in your stash if you run around without fun gear. This wipe I did quests until level 32 then I did the 100 Killa kills and after that fun I was like yeah let's play labs (after all need that exp for kappa) first ten runs (EU) I had 5 cheaters that was super fun. I haven't really played the last 2-3 weeks because I'm not going to reach kappa so what is the point what am i aiming for. Have fun with my thoughts about the game.

Game design direction

I do not like the direction the game is going into this hardcore game and that is where they want the game to go if you do not understand this then pls watch some podcasts with Nikita. I will try to accurately describe where I think they want the game to be and feel like. Tier 4 armor will be the new meta and the casuals will play tier 2-3, good ammo will be super rare meta guns will not really be a thing anymore because traders do not have these meta parts in stock anymore, and finding them will be hard. Actually, to say this more easily they want the game to be more like the first week of wipe just all the time (sure some 0.05 % of players might still run around with very good gear) but everyone else will be a pleb. Misfires, guns heating up, and stuff like that will be added more and more maybe the vog you are throwing will blow up in your face that sounds like something they might add. Using too many painkillers will get you addicted and make the effects even lower than they already are so you can use up one bottle of ibu per raid. (but what do you do when someone shoots you first you need the painkiller to even have a chance at winning the gunfight you are already at a disadvantage because the other player saw you first shot first and so on). The point I'm trying to make is what about the other half or more of the players that like how the game is right now and has been for a while? we that love the game as it is now not for what it could be in a more hardcore scenario. Why do we not matter at all and I'm not wrong in saying we are a fuckton of ppl. And if you anwser is going to be if you dont like it leave or whatever you can fuck off right about now.


Kappa at level 71 is fucking retarded it forces you to play in a certain way you might now want to play. Usually, you got rid of this feeling of being forced to play in a certain way after you had finished all the quests or had all traders max now you have that feeling from level 1 until level 71 (and let us be real no one that reached level 50 or so last wipe will get the kappa). Also, the last wipe lasted like 6-7 months and 2 % reached kappa ist that really too much that you need to nerf it where only the 0.05 % can reach kappa? Why gatekeep kappa behind time and not skill? Also, the ppl that get kappa are already much better at the game than the other players why do the 0.05 % need another advantage?


In the last couple of patches, you have brought a lot of changes to Scav's, in my opinion, it's a waste of time but as I do not have the numbers of how many players play Scav I can't say its waste of resources because if a lot of ppl play than I guess it makes sense. But you made a system where it is difficult to level your scav karma then you decide hi hello see this new event you want free scav karma here you go which in a way is a punch to the face to players who grinded that scav karma up. (I can already hear ppl crying oh but it's beta they need to test stuff no one cares that it's a beta it has been out for a while and I and others paid like 50-150 euros this is not a beta anymore it's just a convenient tag for companies). As a PMC player, I can also not understand why scavs can go into a raid and get a lot of ai scavs to follow them and try to use them to kill a PMC player. They already get to go into raid for free and let's be real if you get shot by a scav with a shotgun you have gotta heal for a while and it's annoying so imagine a couple of scavs go and try to kill you it's just stupid. Scav stands for Scavenger which in turn means this "a person who searches for and collects discarded items" so the purpose of a Scav is to loot shit that is left behind not to gather up a band of other scavs to try and kill pmcs. In my opinion, player scavs should have less health a pistol and that's fine. After all, they don't bring any of their own "value" into the raid so they don't lose anything. (ofc scavs spawn with some items but 99% are worthless)


Why is stuffing shit in your asshole still a thing, why do we need to compete with ppl that have better spawns to get there first I can get the point about making more money but what about the ppl that have already supported you? we the players with eod or whatever version they bought. You are supposed to make a better game for us and the way the game is right now if you have shit spawn there is no need to run to techlight or whatever high loot area and surviving doesnt really matter if you bring in shit gear and take the high tier loot.

Loot, Economy,QoL & Hideout

Loot feels fucking trash same with the hideout and it feels like BSG has no idea how to design a good economy in Tarkov. The Hideout doesn't even have a favourite button or an option to just continue to craft the same thing even when I'm offline. I have a max hideout and all I ever use is the bitcoin farm, lavatory and the workbench (maybe intelligence if there is something worthwhile available) these are simple changes to make the hideout a more viable option without all the time wasted searching for the craft. In a way Tarkov is special because of the barter system but why can't I see how much the barter costs with current prices and just pay the cheaper price for the barter/craft instead of buying each item seperatly. Why are there not more good crafts/barters for armor or whatever that take items that lose a lot of value the longer the wipe takes so they get more value the more ppl do the craft?

Yeah I'm done with the rant but as far as Tarkov goes I think I might play at most 1-2 more wipes by then I believe all the fun will be patched out of the game.

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