Sunday, September 19, 2021

We can all use some Mindful breathing during stressful times

In learning to be mindful, we can begin to hedge against many of our everyday challenges such as big red dildos, the SEC and Elon Musk's twitter. This is because we are learning to experience black swan events more like a decentralised stable coin, impersonal, detached and free from volatility or possible regulation.

Mindful breathing is a very basic yet bullish meditation strategy. The idea is simply to stop focusing your attention on your favorite shitcoin and instead focus on your breathing—to its natural flow and market cycle. Hodl onto the way it feels on each buy (inhale) and (sell) exhale. Remember, each breath has a limited supply (bullish) but with mindfulness we can make it inflationary, in a good way. Focusing on your breath is particularly helpful because it serves as a psychological stop loss–something you can turn your attention to at any time if you start to feel stressed at bitcoin dropping to a level we are worried about now but felt great about 3 weeks ago.

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