Friday, November 26, 2021

Is this a good plan? Started with robinhood

I have about 0.35 BTC ($20k) in robinhood now, of BTC. I’m thinking I just leave that for at least a year to avoid taxable event, sell it, and move it to somewhere, where I actually own real BTC like Coinbase or crypto . Com. UNLESS RH starts doing wallets.

And in the meantime until it reaches a year or until robinhood starts using wallets so you own actual BTC, I just stick to investing a few hundred into BTC a month thru or Coinbase. I am currently using Coinbase for other cryptos kind of like a side hustle for extra money.

I have been using robinhood to invest monthly as I am using bitcoin it as a long term investment/savings account, and have been using Coinbase for other coins for faster money kind of like a side job. So I keep everything in RH the same until a year passes, after I year I sell and move it to another platform. I’m thinking I’ll just keep using Coinbase for other cryptos as a side hustle, and I’ll use crypto . Com as my new robinhood and just invest a few hundred a month into BTC as my long term investment savings account until I can move my RH BTC To my crypto . Com BTC.

Any suggestions? I don’t wanna sell my BTC in RH cus of taxes :/ thank you!

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