Friday, November 26, 2021

Let's Use our Discernment: That's why we have it.

Dear Colleagues,

A post from yesterday by u/Holykael did not, IMHO, sit well with most of the members who responded to him/her, leading to possibly why the Post was deleted or removed.

I respect all views on this sub, especially those with which I disagree. When u/Holykael was being engaged yesterday, there were both patent and latent instances of aggressive communication with the user. I was of the view that just as all the higher density beings, as well as Yeshua/Jesus ask us to use our discernment, ask us not to believe everything or take everything at face value, but rather use our discernment to take only that which resonates with us, yesterday was an opportunity to do that. Words like "delusional" are prohibited on other subs like the Mandela Effect Retconned sub and can get you banned. There was almost a condescending tone to what the user had to say. We are under no obligation to read what is posted or even to believe it at all. Such occasions should be treasured as they help us to really know how strong our own convictions and beliefs are in the information that has brought us here. You cannot know how strong you are or how potent your faith is, unless you get information which makes your blood boil by someone typing at length on information which makes you feel like what he or she is doing is screaming at the top of their lungs disseminating information which makes you want to retort even louder than they are.

We tend to discuss very familiar topics here because the sub is for LOO and L/L RESEARCH information. What the user had to say was mostly in line with that. Granted the information seemed "hot" or even vitriolic but that is where our discernment comes in. Ad hominem arguments like the user is "polarizing too fast", "is delusional", "is not in touch with facts", etc. do not help us to learn it grow. From what this user said, he/she is 26, 19 years younger than I am. But what he/she was able to discuss suggests he/she knows so much compared to me that, but for space and time, a library would have been constructed just on what it is I do not know and this user knows. I was reasonably comfortable with my present level of seeking, but when someone, two decades younger than I am, comes to say so much that I didn't know, I believe the most prudent thing is not to use ad hominem arguments but ask more questions on topics upon which the user touched, so I familiarise myself with the subject matter, and in my own time do more research. I didn't agree with the user on two facts of L/L RESEARCH never having asked about Lucifer, and the Christ Letters saying Christ was the archetypal serpent in the symbolical Garden of Eden. But I did not latch on to that to then disparage the user or the rest of everything else that the user had to say.

Two months ago I was categorised as an "undesirable", "weird user", symptomatic of other users in the past who have tried to "derail this sub" and it's a tag I shamefully carry to this day, as it almost resembles cattle branding, because I cited information without stating sources in my Post because I did not take it I was in an argumentative arena for me to cite references, sources and history of my citations. Other users like u/QuantumSerpent who tried to use this platform to recruit STS guys was basically insulted into silence and u/Since1700 have been called A-hole, but he persisted without engaging his disparagers. I do not agree with most of what is said on this sub, and I do think some users may use this to gather information of an adversarial nature to what they truly believe, but I use my discernment to either engage or not, basically focussing wholly and exclusively on the subject and not the user, their beliefs or mental state.

We are not the trumpet section of L/L RESEARCH and we are not messengers of LOO as we have not yet reached an understanding that comes with wisdom in fifth density as per what Ra says. So if u/Holykael says Ra is Lucifer and Jesus is Lucifer and that the US Dollar bill is symbolic of a pyramid, and has information which suggests the Ra symbology are on the USD and he/she is also the head of Hidden Hand, whilst at the same time the founder of Bitcoin but due to psychedelics and mushrooms, he/she believes he/she is Gaia, the galaxies or the Universe and is also Yahweh, both positive and negative, and is now in the Pleiades but wants us to watch out for revelations or events which will prove him/her right, we need to consider formulating questions on all topics on which expertise or even knowledge is being claimed and if at all we notice that no date was given as was done by others in June and July, we ask or use discernment to decide how we want to proceed with the information or user, in a non-verbal way.

u/Holykael came up with grand claims or disclosures, and we could have used that opportunity to ask on why he/she claims seventh density or 8th density familiarity when Ra said the last point of looking or turning back is sixth density, and densities beyond that are "an area into which they do not plumb". Instead we degenerated into the characteristics of traditional or organised religion, and almost started defending Ra, LOO and our own beliefs like LOO is a religion or like Ra is our leader. We came out more like a religion and, I dare say a cult, in defensive mode on our belief or understanding of the Ra Material as you see Catholics (which I was for 38 years), Protestants, Scientologists etc dogmatically defending their beliefs.  It was bizarre and excruciating to read and gave a rare glimpse into how traditional indoctrination religion comes to be, or how cults go to their extremes. This user's claims, for the sake of this sub, I will say were wide and far reaching and even outlandish.  Thus he/she bore the burden of proof to support what he/she was saying. Neither LOO nor TRM need any defenders and neither Ra nor Q'uo nor Hatonn or even the Creator need us to speak on their behalf. Their information is plainly out there. What is not, is some of the things u/Holykael was saying and it would behoove us to query further to either learn or discard the information disseminated by said user as at the end of the day, we all have free will to accept or reject any info, and we have the self awareness to discern what resonates with us. Whether the user is polarizing too fast, is on mushrooms or psychedelics  is not our problem. Our problem is only to discern what it is the user decides to regurgitate out as in line with LOO, and further linking up gaps that we had not noted.

Look at this sub. It has an average of half a post per day due to defensive modalities, gate-keeping manoeuvres and an obsession with weed, dreams, consciousness, reality and memes. This user brought a refreshing take to us for us to ask a battery of questions to later on ponder on what links and relationships he/she was claiming and, instead of receiving the info with open minds so we objectively dissect and if necessary respectfully dismiss his/her reasoning or claims, we went into religious, psychiatry mode and fell short of calling our own crusade against the many things which were anathema to us, like Ra is Lucifer. We have to decide whether we think the universal curriculum on LOO starts and ends with L/L RESEARCH and their Channellings, or we are going to accept that wanderers, lightworkers, starseeds and people with whom we disagree exist amongst us (and not call them delusional, high on shrooms or psychedelics, etc) as we can discern for ourselves if we have the time to read and believe what they say or they appear like the funny meme of the guy thinking he appears Christ-like when discussing LOO, when truly he looks like he has gone crazy.

Let us not adopt the traits of organised religion or we will soon have to face the fact that although we say we are not a cult, the reality is we are, except that we are formless, like a blob. We need to get all the information we can get without hanging on sources, references, citations, mental state of users, how weird users are, etc. How else are we going to learn or to view what comes out of L/L RESEARCH with an additional sceptical disposition beyond what our own minds can construct?

Personally, I didn't attack u/Holykael but I believe an apology from me is in order as an opportunity for me to know whether I understand enough for my level of seeking was wasted by ad hominem arguments so people can rush to make book recommendations and what mixture of cannabis, shrooms or LSD works. We are not religionists. We are not a cult. Let's not act like we are and spring to defences of concepts and entities which can stand on their own and do not need third density minds to help them out. Trust me. They don't need our help. But we clearly need theirs as despite daily anthems from them that we "use our discernment" and "pick out only what resonates with us", we were, yesterday, far too willing to throw away the baby with the bathwater. There was or no difference between catechists, indoctrinated dogmatics of traditional religions or cultists. We fitted in very well in that category yesterday, and that didn't sit well with some of us who keep saying LOO is not a religion or cult and believers focus on the information in it, and not on it as a belief system.

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