Tuesday, May 31, 2022


The time is almost upon us, as the AkiraGal NFT drop is happening May 27. The wait is almost over and we could not be more excited to get things going. But before that, we’ll create a step-by-step guide on how to participate in the AkiraGal mint, so everyone has a chance to get into this unique collection.

Step 1: Create an account on an Exchange

The first step is to get a bridge into the crypto economy. Here is where the concept of an onramp is introduced, which basically is a service that will take your local currency and give you the chance of exchanging it for a crypto coin.

The most common type of onramp are crypto exchanges that can provide this service quickly. If this is your first time buying crypto it’s better to rely on the major ones, as they are beginner friendly and provide customer support. These are:

  • Coinbase
  • Binance
  • FTX
  • Kraken
  • Huobi

There are also peer-to-peer exchanges that can be a little faster to create an account for, such as:

  • Local Bitcoins (there are more crypto assets than just BTC in the platform)
  • Paxos

Step 2: Get Ether

Ether, or ETH by its ticker, is the native crypto currency of the Ethereum blockchain. It’s used to pay for all transactions that are processed by the nodes on the network. It’s necessary to pay for the fees when minting an NFT, transferring a token, or even when selling the NFT. Basically, any action on Ethereum requires ETH.

Now that you have an account on a crypto exchange, just select a payment method of your choice and buy some Ether. Major exchanges like Binance and Coinbase offer the option of using a converter that immediately exchanges the currency and Ether for its current price. That way you can avoid thinking about creating a buy order, or more complicated operations.

Step 3: Create Wallet

Now that you have some Ether, you need a wallet that is able to interact with smart contracts, also known as a Dapp connector. It’s basically a bridge between the user and the smart contracts on the blockchain, and from it users can create and sign transactions.

The most common on Ethereum is MetaMask:

  1. Got to their website: https://metamask.io/
  2. Click on ‘Download.’
  3. Add the MetaMask extension to your browser.
  4. Open it and select ‘Create new Wallet.’
  5. Follow the menus and make sure you write down the seed phrase in a secure location.

Now you have your own crypto wallet that is able to connect with the Ethereum network and allows you to use any smart contract on the blockchain.

Step 4: Send ETH to your crypto wallet

Next you need to fund your wallet with the Ether you bought from the exchange. Go to your account in the exchange you chose, and select the withdrawal option. Now open your MetaMask, you’ll see a string of alphanumeric characters above the ‘Account 1’ label:

That is your wallet’s address. Basically it’s the piece of information you give to anyone trying to send crypto tokens to you over Ethereum. Now, you’re going to send Ether to it to make sure you have enough to pay for fees.

Input your wallet address on the exchange and approve the operation. After a while, usually 10 minutes, the network will confirm the transfer.

Step 5: Connect your crypto wallet on our AkiraGal dapp

Now comes the fun part. With your MetaMask wallet open, go to the AkiraGal portal and connect the wallet to the Dapp. The site will automatically open a request on your MetaMask to approve the connection. No funds need to be transferred at this stage, you’re just connecting your crypto wallet to the Dapp.

This is important to mint the AkiraGals, and also so the Dapp knows where to send your NFTs. Once you have them, you’ll be able to see them by using your crypto wallet address.

Step 6: Make sure they have sufficient gas fee and minting fee

We said before that Ether is how you pay for transactions over Ethereum. That means you need to have enough ETH in your MetaMask crypto wallet to pay for said fees. The prices change all the time, but if you want to get an idea you can use ETH Gas Station to see the current prices. Use the site as a reference and plan accordingly to have enough ETH to pay for fees.

Now you have all the tools necessary to take part in the AkiraGal NFT minting event. Remember that on May 27, minting will begin for all those who connect their wallet to the Dapp. Don’t miss your chance to acquire one of the 6,666 exquisite and deadly agents fated to help you write history in a dystopian world.

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