Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Fifth of Gaming - Call for Sponsors!

Hi all!


AFoG is looking for Sponsors (organizations or individuals) to financially support the growing communities of tournament guilds on the platform in exchange for having their logos added to the event pages! Many of the users on AFoG are new to BCH so this represents a fun opportunity to onboard and demonstrate the capabilities of BCH AND get eyeballs on your own website! Create your Sponsorships here:


I'm the creator of both A Fifth of Gaming (the automated video game tournament platform that runs entirely on Bitcoin Cash - ) and BitcoinCashClient (the open source code library that provides the BCH payment rails that AFoG runs on - ).

You may have seen me recently at BCH Bliss! Here's a short interview I did with Jeremy of The Bitcoin Cash Podcast during the Builders Open House event talking about AFoG:

During the interview (which was filmed a couple weeks ago), I mentioned I was working on building out the "Sponsorship" mechanisms on the site. This morning I published Dev Blog #9 in which I formally announced the completion and launch of those tools!

That post contains a thorough overview of the mechanics of Sponsors and Sponsorships, so to keep this post concise, I won't repeat those things here. Please have a look there if you want to see how all this works!

Call For Sponsors

With these tools now in place, I'm reaching out to the Bitcoin Cash community to invite both organizations and individuals to formally sponsor AFoG guilds.

These sponsorships will provide prize pools (paid out in BCH of course) which will continue to attract new players to the platform (many of whom will be brand new to BCH) AND will put your logos and websites in front of potential new users of your own websites and services!

We already have a track record of both successful tournament execution (it has now been almost 9 months since we launched tournament mode!) AND on-boarding new users to BCH who were attracted to AFoG simply because they wanted to participate in video game tournaments! AFoG has facilitated some genuinely epic events! See our largest-ever tournaments at the bottom of the events page here:

And AFoG has been growing! These charts show the number of unique verified users who have logged into the site over the preceding 30 days (on the top) and the number of unique players who participated in a tournament in the preceding 90 days (on the bottom - a single user can have multiple player records).

You can help us continue to attract new players (and continue to onboard new users to BCH) by becoming a Sponsor!

Create an AFoG account and then become a Sponsor here (again, see the blog post above for more details) :

Which Guild(s) Should You Sponsor?

Obviously the short answer is you can sponsor any and every guild you want! There is no limit and every active guild would be grateful for your support! And of course if you throw a big enough prize pool into an inactive guild it will become active pretty quickly lol!

That said, there are a few guilds I want to draw special attention to because they are being run by tournament organizers who are operating on AFoG AS actual genuine tournament organizers. Historically speaking, tournaments have been run by people like myself or Jeremy (from the BCH Podcast). Unfortunately, Jeremy and I are both 1) not tournament organizers and 2) extremely busy. My primary goal here is to give these tournament runners all the resources they need to do what they do best and run excellent tournaments and attract users so I can focus my attention on what I do best by building out AFoG functionality to meet their needs on the platform.

If you can only support one or two guilds, please consider these guilds as great options!


Of all the guilds currently running on AFoG right now, this is the one I am the most excited about. MTGADailyChallenge is a well-established and well-respected tournament organizer in the Magic: The Gathering community and has recently migrated operations to AFoG. They have already brought with them somewhere between 30-40 players who are brand new to both AFoG and BCH and they now have 45 active players in their guild, making them tied for the largest guild on the platform! I have also been extremely impressed with the professionalism and attention to detail they exhibit during the completion of their events, and I have been working closely with them to understand their needs and upgrade AFoG accordingly (with several more improvements already planned!). I very much want to see this guild thrive, so the more sponsorship support we can muster for them the better!

Bitcoin Cash TV

Many of you will already be familiar with bChad from Bitcoin Cash TV. He has been running Chess tournaments on AFoG for several months now, with some of them being truly amazing events attracting some serious chess firepower, including (and yes this is true) Dmitry Tatarinov, an actual genuine FIDE Master, who has attended 6 of Chad's AFoG Chess tournaments! As you might imagine, Dmitry is #1 on the All-Time Winnings list for that guild! These tournaments are also live-streamed by Chad during his gaming stream show where he gives out BCH prizes and cashtokens to his viewers, so they're always exciting events with an audience!

Cult of Bolas and Timeless Open

These two guilds were both created by regulars at the "Meeting of the Five" guild events who loved what AFoG was doing but wanted there to be tournaments for different MTGA formats. There are a LOT of ways to play Magic: The Gathering, but Meeting of the Five tournaments are limited to just "Standard". Both of the founders of these guilds put their own money into the guild vaults to spin up their events and attract players and it would be amazing to show them some love from the BCH community.

Meeting of the Five

This is the original tournament guild and is still going strong. With 45 active members it is the other (along with MTGADailyChallenge) largest guild on the site. It has also hosted the two largest AFoG tournaments ever and awarded a total of ~1.5 billion satoshis in prizes over the past 9 months. It is unique among the active guilds today in that in charges a registration fee to play which represents an opportunity for players who are brand new to BCH that just won a few dollars in one of the free-to-play events to practice sending BCH as well! Of all the guilds, these tournaments are the ones that I personally play in the most often and I stream the events whenever I can!

Want to help but cant be bothered with all this sponsorship mumbo-jumbo?

Easy! Just send any amount of BCH to these addresses (these are the guilds' vaults) and AFoG will take care of the rest! Your contributions will be handled (and displayed on the events) as anonymous sponsorships that link to !



Bitcoin Cash TV


Cult of Bolas


Timeless Open


Meeting of the Five


Want to Sponsor a guild but the game you want to watch/play isn't on AFoG right now?

Easy! Create a guild for that game and throw some money in its vault and/or sponsor it! If the prize pools are juicy enough, players will appear to fight for them!

Thank you so much for reading! Happy to answer any questions!

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