Friday, May 31, 2024

Letter From The Solana Intern: May 31, 2024


PayPal USD is on Solana!

While some of you were playing celebrity degen memecoin bingo, PayPal — the world’s largest payment processor — announced that its Paypal USD (PYUSD) stablecoin issued by Paxos is live on the Solana network.

1/📣Breaking News: @PayPalUSD (PYUSD) is live on Solana!

PayPal USD stablecoin issued by @Paxos will leverage Solana and token extensions to serve over 30m+ merchants, empowering users with fast and secure stablecoin transactions.

Chat, this is huge. PYUSD is now available on essential apps like PayPal and Venmo, in addition to your cryptonative favs like @Phantom and @cryptocom.

Cousin @0xMert_ said it best: “This is a big W for the manlets, crypto, and payments as a whole.”

first it was Visa

then it was Shopify Pay

then it was Stripe

now it's PayPal

all on Solana


You can read PayPal’s open letter and whitepaper explaining its Solana adoption, but the tldr is: cost-effectiveness, high throughput, speed, and token extensions like confidential transfers for peer-to-peer, b2b, and micropayments for its 500+ million active user base.

In the words of Colosseum's @mattytay: "Solana; come for the memecoins, stay for the world's next generation payments network."

Ecosystem News

🔹 @LayerZero_Labs is now live on Solana, connecting Solana to seven chains, with support for more coming soon.

🔹 @21co__ has introduced 21BTC, bringing Bitcoin to the Solana network.

🔹 @metaplex has introduced MPL-404 with @MutantLabs_, a framework for hybrid assets.

🔹Art RWA platform @ArtradeApp is launching its first artwork token, and it’s a Picasso.

🔹@JupiterExchange and cofounder @weremeow unveil the Giant Unified Market initiative.

🔹Introducing @TridentSolana by @AckeeBlockchain, Trident, a rust-based framework to fuzz test Solana programs.

🔹@SuperteamDAO and @buidlerDAO launch a 3 month accelerator for new Solana teams

🔹Crypto On/Off-ramp service @spritzfinance now supports Solana.

🔹@SolanaFloor launches Learn Solana, a guide to help onboard and educate new crypto users.

🔹Cosmos 🤝 Solana: @Picasso_Network built a custom solution to connect Solana to the @IBCProtocol ecosystem.

🔹 @etherfuse has launched a Mexican Peso bond-backed stablecoin on Solana.

🔹 @Phantom has acquired NFT and digital collectible wallet @Bitski.

🔹 @fknmarqu and @h4wk10 at @flipsidecrypto released a Solana DePIN Snapshot report for H1 2024.

🔹Digital artist @sleeprarts latest work went on exhibition in London.

Interviewing @sleeprarts in the gallery.

“The Underworld” is a standout work. It has received overwhelming reactions from visitors of the exhibit. Some spent hours with it, some returned the next day to see it again.

Standing here, the air becomes very still, and time halts.

@BU___UB with @sleeprarts and his art (btw time is a construct)

Solana Pay + NFTs = Loyalty in a Box

Solana Pay + NFTs = loyalty in a box📱

@sherazshere shows you how fast and easy payments are on Solana. What will you build?

The Solana Foundation’s @SherazShere demos an awesome Solana Pay feature: NFTs as loyalty cards.

Solana Summer World Tour 🌏

It’s ☀️ time, and that means it’s time to get outside and touch grass. Wherever you are in the world, the Solana community is there for you.

Last week, @SolanaAllstars hosted Africa’s largest crypto festival ever in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Over 1000 people came together for education, workshops, cultural exchange, and palm wine.

Stateside, the Solana community is making a splash at @Consensus2024 in Austin, TX with a series of events: the Snapshot Consensus mini-conference with @buffalu__, @rexstjohn, @cindyleowtt, @baalazamon, @yrschrade, and many more; Solana House for devs and teams, and the Solana Hub for networking and coworking.

@SuperteamUK is on an epic Hacker House roadtrip with stops in Dublin, Manchester, Edinburgh, a cheeky week in Greece for @IslandDAOx, and Paris before concluding at the Superteam Hacker House London.

For devs in the UK and Ireland, this is your chance to dive into the Solana community and ecosystem.

GIF@CapnUK just ships 🚢

On the European continent, the @KumekaTeam Solana Hackathon at Ukrainian Blockchain Week June 14-20 is offering 200k in prizes and seed funding, and registration is now open for the first ever Romanian Solana Developer Program by @cometsofweb3_.

Round the other side of the globe, the first-ever @SolanaSummitOrg Solana Summit APAC is coming to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 20-22 June, 2024.

And hey, if you really, really don’t want to go outside, you can still join me in The Intern’s Den Telegram group. I never leave!

Tweets of the Week

To wrap up, a few gems from cryptotwitter wild this week

ok this is wild

paypal just launched its PYUSD stablecoin on solana (yeah i know. yawn)

but it seems to have a privacy feature they call “Confidential Transfers” that hides the transaction amounts of transactions????

this sounds a lot like “confidential transactions”, a feature bitcoin devs have been larping about for almost a decade but never built, and you’re telling me paypal users will have it first? LOL

@udiWertheimer tried not to act too excited about PayPal USD coming to Solana (and confidential transfers).

They finally scheduled us degens in. 165 Clayno plushies delivered to the children's hospital, courtesy of @clayno_capital @Claynosaurz and amazing community members

@Cabanimation, @clayno_capital, and @Claynosaurz gave back to the community, like all real degens should.

Token Extensions Thursday

🔧 Token Extensions add new features to tokens, ensuring enhanced functionality, safety, and scalability on the @solana blockchain.

Aside from being the first DEX on @solana to fully integrate and support token extensions,

FluxBeam allows you to create your token with extensions on FluxBeam:

Find out more here:

cofounder @CloakdDev and @FluxBeamDEX, one of the earliest Solana native teams to support token extensions, continue to educate and build tools to support the adoption of token extensions — huge W!

for @0xMert_'s eyes only

and last but not least, @0xMert_ finally bullied @aeyakovenko into writing a blogpost about Solana tech.

What did intern miss? As usual, please gently yell in the comments so the next letter is even better (or so rare blocks can be inscribed). see you next week,

new intern 💜

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