Thursday, November 8, 2018

Bitcoin ABC/BU/SV Mining Outcomes

Here’s my understanding of some upcoming events, please correct me if where I am wrong

  • Bitcoin ABC is making an update of its client to allow a new opcode that would allow smarter contracts, such as outside oracles or cross-chain atomic contracts in the future among other changes.
  • Bitcoin SV objects to these changes, and wants to introduce larger block and remove the newly proposed opcode

  • Bitcoin Unlimited will support both changes, but allow them to be activated via BIP135, or miner voting.

Now, if I’m not too far off on this, some questions

1) Is either Bitcoin ABC or SV going to incorporate replay protection? If not, why? Wouldn’t a clean fork be better for the minority that wants to continue using a coin with the rules they agree with?

2) What would happen in this scenario; Both don’t use replay protection and SV has stronger mining power. What would be the user experience be in the Bitcoin SV client? Transaction would just fail, or rolled back after each confirmed block forcing the user to get a SV client?

3) How is Bitcoin unlimited agnostic to ABC and SV? Is it because it will follow ABC rules (and chain) until a miner vote occurs?

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