Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Billionaires and Private Banksters start educating themselves about Crypto. This is not a wild guess but based on observations I made in the UHNWI industry.

Yes I know, we all do know the stories about big Whales getting bigger, or about MicroStrategy investing 1 Billion in Bitcoin, or Institutions such as Hedge Funds investing heavily in Crypto.

So this little post is not about them. This post here is about the really rich guys, the guys you normally don’t read about because they don’t even want you to know that their families are among the richtest families on this planet. Those guys won‘t tweet tweets like „I just bought 10.000 BTC and I plan to buy another 10.000 tomorrow! Let‘s moon!“ No, they definitely won‘t do that.

However, I am working close to the Private Banking industry and my professional network (e.g Linkedin) also consists of several Private Bankers and Family offices Managers who take care of the money of the richest of the richest (the ultra high net worth individuals aka UHNWI).

So in my Linkedin network, I can see that lots of those financial advisors (some of them are Managing directors of the biggest Private banks worldwide) are actively participating in Crypto events as well as Crypto education sessions. And those education events are not organized and held by random 19yr old youtuber, but (among others ofc) by the The Billionaire Chronicle (TBC). This club is pretty private so I couldn’t find any public link but here is a screenshot of such Crypto education event TBC did (source Linkedin). I have seen tons of posts like this during the past weeks.

So the fact the the traditional private banker and family office asset managers are educating themselves in the field of cryptocurrency is a big and positive thing.

I am not saying that those super rich guys and families will invest in Cryptos today or tomorrow. But they are obviously talking to their financial advisor about it. And they are challenging them, they want knowhow and skills in crypto field, from their private bankers. If they like it or not, they have to educate themselves, and that can only be a good thing!

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