Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Mindset of $tar Coin

Coming from an entertainment background, we saw a need for an alternative pathway to success in industries such as entertainment; our solution was to create a community of driven and gregarious individuals, but also an exclusive form of payment to be utilized amongst said community. Holding this token offers entry to exclusive events, direct connection to celebrities and entrepreneurs, networking opportunities and once in a lifetime experiences typically reserved for the elite.

The inception of Bitcoin back in 2008 paved the way for currencies like ours to blossom and improve on the established tracks of this new economy. While Bitcoin is still the industry leader, Binance Smart Chain is a clear contender for the most future-proof cryptocurrency seen so far. Utilizing that as the basis for $tar Coin has allowed us to delve deeper into why we needed to create this currency. As part of an ever-evolving digital economy, it was important for $tar Coin to stand out, which is why our idea of utilizing the coin as an entry pass to an exclusive platform and app was implemented. Coin owners will have access to experiences, celebrities, opportunities, events, and connection pools that have yet to be seen in the cryptocurrency realm, as well as being able to “match” and networking with other members on the app and at events. By creating this coin we aim to create for our future users an incredibly valuable community with which to build their respective business and network with like-minded individuals, all while having exclusive opportunities to enjoy A-List experiences.

We encourage all token holders to commune, network, edify one another and to trade tokens openly. The $tar Coin community is meant to be a family and we desire to uplift all members, see them uplift each other, help each other and better each other. The founders have committed to locking 2,205,000 tokens of the 6,000,000 minted to encourage both sustainability and trust.

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