Saturday, May 6, 2023

Movies and TV series that make you appreciate crypto even more

I grew pretty tired of tv series and movies; every time I look at some streaming catalog I'm always unsure and I end up opting for some youtube video instead (usually about crypto or chess).

However, I recently watched a Sky Original series called Devils about traders in a London investment bank and I found it really interesting. It shows the atrocities behind the bank system: inside trading, market manipulation, collapsing rival banks and even countries (like Greece or Argentina). The specific events are fiction, but the general background is the financial crisis that occurred in Europe between 2008-2011. There's also a character that wants to expose these bad behaviours, make the dollar collapse to launch his own cryptocurrency in a new world order. He is described as the villain of the story because his motif is probably personal profit but this got me thinking about Bitcoin. Do you think it's possible for Bitcoin to become the world currency? Could that happen without a massive period of destruction and riots? In season 2, the main character also starts looking for the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

"The Great Short" is another content I really appreciated as I learned something new about how mortgages and bonds work and I reached the same conclusion that a decentralized financial system can probably solve many problems.

"Start Up" instead is a Netflix series showing how a tool like crypto is not good or bad per se, a tool such as cryptocurrencies is not good or bad in itself but its value varies based on the use people make of it.

What movies about crypto or finance did you appreciate? What do you think about the "Bitcoin as world currency" theme?

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